Universiteit Stellenbosch
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch
Verklaring oor die verkiesing vir die volgende US-kanselier
Outeur: Corporate Communication and Marketing / Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en Bemarking
Gepubliseer: 23/12/2024

The term of the current Chancellor, Retired Justice Cameron, will officially end on 31 December 2024, as communicated to stakeholders and reported in the media. Stellenbosch University (SU) further communicated in the call for nominations that Justice Cameron will remain in office until the next elected Chancellor assumes office.


A notice calling for nominations was distributed to members of Convocation via e-mail on 21 November 2024 and a dedicated webpage was published with information on the nomination and election process. During the nomination period of 30 days (22 November to 22 December 2024 at 23:59), we received only one nomination, that of Governor Elias Lesetja Kganyago. His nomination met all the requirements and was accepted as valid. 

Lesetja Kganyago's CV is available here, as well as an abbreviated CV here and a photo.

Membership of the Electoral College

The Electoral College will be constituted in terms of the SU Statute. The Statute prescribes the membership of the Electoral College in clause 38(1). The Electoral College consists of members of the Council and the members of the Executive Committee of the Senate.

Please refer to the relevant sections of the Statute herespecific clauses are referred to below for ease of reference. 


The procedure that the Electoral College must follow when considering the candidate is prescribed in the SU Statute as follows; 

1.1.      The Electoral College considers the nominations at a meeting chaired by the Chair of Council or in her absence the Deputy Chair. If both are absent, the electoral college must elect a chairperson from its ranks by a show of hands (Clause 38(4)).

1.2.     The quorum for a meeting of the Electoral College is half of its members plus one. (Clause 38(5)).

1.3.     Clause 38(7) of the Statute provides for the scenario where only one candidate has been nominated:

“If only one candidate is nominated, a secret ballot is taken and the candidate must receive a majority of the votes of members present and voting, each member having one vote. If the candidate does not receive a majority of the votes, a new election must be called in accordance with this clause."

Meeting of the Electoral College

A meeting of the Electoral College will be called early in the new year to conclude the process of the election of a new SU Chancellor.

SU will release a media statement after the Electoral College has reached a decision.
