Prof Gideon Wolfaardt
Director: Stellenbosch University Water Institute
Professor Gideon Wolfaardt is a professor in Microbiology, the ERWAT Chair in Water Management, and Director of the Stellenbosch University Water Institute. He holds a joint appointment as professor at Ryerson University, Toronto Canada, is an adjunct professor in Chemical Engineering at the University of Toronto, was a visiting professor at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, USA, a fellow at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies and held a Canada Research Chair between 2004 and 2014.
Prof. Wolfaardt supervised more than 40 Masters and PhD students on a range of topics in the area of water and energy. He has published 90+ peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and presented invited seminars in 8 countries. He also has a strong interest in human capacity development and knowledge transfer: was awarded the Faculty of Science Excellence in Teaching Award at Stellenbosch and the Sarwan Sahota Distinguished Scholar Award at Ryerson University. He served as curriculum board member of the Sustainability Management Program at the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, the Toronto Urban Climate Change Network, the Innovation, Science and Technology Committee of the Board of the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Global Sustainability Bioenergy Project.