Universiteit Stellenbosch
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Investigating the parts to understand the whole: Contribution of phenolic compounds to the desired estrogenic activity of SM6Met fractions from Cyclopia subternata

Biochemie Forum:  MSc Verdediging

Student:  Herzelle Claassen

Titel:  Investigating the parts to understand the whole:  Contibution of phenolic compounds to the desired estrogenic activity of SM6Met fractions from Cyclopia subternata

Studieleier:  Prof A Louw

Mede-studieleier:  Dr K Visser

Datum:  Donderdag 01 Februarie 2018

Tyd:  13:00

Plek: Biochemie Seminarrkamer A111, JC Smutagebou

Kontak persoon: Prof DJ Africander, Tel: 021 8085862/5882

Epos: drho@sun.ac.za