Universiteit Stellenbosch
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch
Science Fridays @ Stellenbosch met Professor Manuel Castells
Begin: 27/07/2018, 12:30
Einde: 27/07/2018, 14:00
Kontak:Rolene Langford - 021 808 4512
Plek: CREST, RW Wilcocks, Building, 5 floor, room 4043 & 4045
​Professor Castells, met mede-skrywers Professore Johan Muller en Nico Cloete sal praat oor afsluitings paragraaf in die boek 'Castells in Africa: Universities and Development' Universities cannot simply mobilise against destructive politics; they also have to protect their mission as beacons of innovation, ideas and equality, without surrendering everything to activism.  Ulimately, the convergence between the shift to a new form of economic organisation, the acceleration of the technological revolution and the legitimation of political institutions has a  site in society: higher education.  This is why the University is simultaneously a decisive battlefield and our hope for a better future in the midst of the current darkness.