Universiteit Stellenbosch
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

Hoër onderwys-nuus


​Korrespondensie en inligting wat deur die hoër onderwys-sektor vrygestel is​

Let asseblief dat hierdie dokumente n​ie deur Universiteit Stellenbosch saamgestel word nie en daarom word dit in die oorspronklike taal publiseer​​

D​atum​Titel​​​Vrygestel deur​

16 Maart 2018

14 Desember 2017 

13 November 2017                        ​​ 
13 November 2017​

30 October 2017

15 Junie 2017

​16 Mei 2017

12 Mei 2017

14 Desember 2016

Universities SA appeals to the corporate sector and private donors to continue to support students through bursaries and scholarships​
"Universities announce an inflation-linked adjustment to 2018 tuition related income"​
Universities ​SA response to the release of the ​"fees commission" report​​Release of the Report of Commission of Inquiry into the Feasibility of making High Education and Training Fee-free in South Africa

"Universities SA Response to Statement of the Presidency"

"Tertiary qualification remains a key to meaningful employment,
Universities SA assures on Youth Day

“Advancing Higher Education and Training in the year of OR Tambo”

USAf verklaring oor onlangse protes-aksie by universiteite

"Application for the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) - 2017 fee adjustment grant"
"Communication on student funding matters"




Die Presidensie​



Die Departement van Hoëronderwys en


Department van Hoër
Onderwys en Opleiding
​13 Oktober​"Keeping our universities on an even keel - a call to action"​Universities South Africa
​14 Oktober 2016​"2017 Fee Adjustment"​​Department van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding

11 Oktober 2016 ​​

"President Zuma establishes a Ministerial Team to address the situation at higher education institutions"

Die Presidensie

​4 Oktober 2016​Declaration: Higher Education Stakeholder Summit​Universities South Africa
​19 September 2016

​"USAf verwelkom aankondiging oor studentegelde"

​Universities South Africa
​18 September 2016Verklaring van die regering oor studentegelde-subsidies vir 2017​Department van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding
​31 Augustus 2016

"​Media Statement: Minister Nzimande hopeful of successful conclusion to consultations on 2017 university fees, calls for continuing patience from all sides"

​Department van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding
​12 Augustus 2016

"​USAf statement on the outcome of the consultative meeting between the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr BE Nzimande, and the boards of USAf and UCCF"

​Universities South Africa
​6 Junie 2016"The Fees Commission extends the due date for submission to 30 June"Kommissie van Ondersoek vir Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding 
​12 Mei 2016​"Call for submissions to the Commission of Inquiry into Higher Education and Training (the Fees Commission)​"

​Kommissie van Ondersoek vir Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding 

25 Februarie 2016

"​Joint statement from th​e Vice-Chancellors, Principals and Rectors of the universities in South Africa on the violence and disruptions at our universities"

​Universities South Africa

​21 April 2016​"Minister of Higher Education and Training, Budget Speech, National Assembly"​Department van H

r Onderwys en Opleiding