Ons wil graag lede van die Universiteit Stellenbosch gemeenskap uitnooi om besprekingspunte in te dien vir die komende Transformasie Indaba. Dien besprekingspunte in via die
Google-vorm wat in die volgende afdelings verdeel is:
- Transformation: Transformation infrastructure, visual redress and social impact
- Student Affairs 1: Mental health, food security and residence culture
- Student Affairs 2: Discrimination and harassment, LGBTIA+ inclusion, gender-based violence, HIV & AIDS, disability
- Research: Transformation and decolonisation in research
- Teaching and learning: Curriculum renewal & decolonisation, lecturer competency training
- Human resources: Employment equity, staff wellness and other HR matters
Ons sien daarna uit om u welkom te heet by die Indaba!
NS Onthou om te RSVP vir die Transformasie Indaba: grizeldaa@sun.ac.za