Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Research and Internationalisation Development and Support

​Undergraduate Research


Undergraduate Open Access Fund


What is it?

The Undergraduate Open Access Fund (UOAF) is part of the Undergraduate Research Office's mandate to facilitate publication of undergraduate research conducted in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University. 


What is the amount funded?

Up to R5000 for article processing costs (APCs) for undergraduate research publications in open access journals. 


Who is eligible?

Any undergraduate student registered in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences who is publishing or has published research conducted as part of their undergraduate degree. Only publications in open access, peer-reviewed, subsidy-carrying journals accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Technology (DHET) will be considered. See funding rules and regulations for further eligibility criteria. 


How do I apply?

Authors applying for funding should complete an electronic version of the UOAF application form and submit the completed application form together with the following appendices via email to Ms Inge Sonn (ingeks@sun.ac.za): :

  • Published article or proof of article’s acceptance by the publisher.
  • A copy of the publisher’s invoice.
  • Proof of SU’s payment to the publisher (copy of FNB/RMB payment sheet).
  • A screen print of the transaction screen FFB007P of the cost centre on the SUN system, on which the payment transaction appears. NB: Funds can only be transferred into K (research) cost centres.
  • Proof of student registration at SU.​

 How are awards made?

Only complete applications, using the most recent application e-form, will be considered. No hard copy applications are permitted. Awards will be made:

  • according to the rules and regulations for eligibility,
  • based on available budget.

 The UOAF can accept a maximum of ten applications per annum.

What is the application deadline?

Applications can be submitted at any time during the year. Only articles published within the most recent calendar year are eligible for funding. A student applicant may submit an application for funding for articles published within one year of graduation, provided that the article is based on research conducted during their FMHS undergraduate degree.​


Who can I contact for further information?

For further information, consult the funding rules and regulations or contact Ms Inge Sonn, Head: Undergraduate Research Office, Research Development and Support Division, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Email: ingeks@sun.ac.za. Tel: 021 938 9181. 

Undergraduate Publication Incentive Award rules and application forms:

» Rules & regulations​​

» Applicatio​n form​​​​​​