​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Division of Medical Ethics and Law​


​The Division of Medical Ethics & Law is directed by Prof Keymanthri Moodley with secretarial and admin support from Ms Michelle Padiachee and Mrs Celeste Youle. 


Prof Keymanthri Moodley is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Medicine and Head of the Division of Medical Ethics and Law at Stellenbosch University. The Division is a WHO Collaborating Centre in Bioethics, one of twelve in the world and the first on the African continent.  Keymanthri is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina, USA. She is a specialist family physician, bioethicist, an NRF rated researcher and a member of ASSAf. She has been Principal Investigator on 5 NIH grants and has over 120 publications. Her most recent NIH funded research project explores ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) in big data and Artificial Intelligence in the African context. She is a member of the WHO Ethics and AI Expert Group.​

George Rugare Chingarande, PhD. is the senior lecturer in the Division of Medical Ethics and Law, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University. He was a Visiting Fellow in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Department of Bioethics. He holds a PhD degree in Neuroscience with a graduate minor in Applied Statistics (2021) from the University of Missouri-Columbia (USA) and a Master of science degree in Biological Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia (2021), a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) from DeMonfort university (UK), a BTech degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology from the University of Johannesburg (South Africa). Additionally, he holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Health research ethics from Stellenbosch University (South Africa), a Diploma of the College of Radiographers in Radiation Therapy (UK) and a graduate certificate in Science and Technology of Nuclear and Biological Counter terrorism from the University of Missouri-Columbia, certificate in Global Health (Dundee University-Scotland) and certificate in radiation protection from the University of Brussels (Belgium). Prior to joining the NIH, he was a Fulbright Science and Technology Fellow at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He also completed a certificate in Advanced Social Justice Mediation from the Social Justice Mediation Institute, University of Massachusetts​. His interests are in Global Health​​​​ Ethics, Research Ethics and Public Health Ethics.


Nezerith Cengiz is a lecturer in the Division of Medical Ethics and Law, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University​. She also conducts empirical research on the REDSSA project. Nezerith completed her MSc in Bioethics and Health Law at the Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics at the University of the Witwatersrand. Her dissertation focused on artificial intelligence (AI) in health care and virtue ethics. Other research-related interests include the ethics of xenotransplantation. Nezerith has worked as a research assistant in vascular surgery, ophthalmology, and data science. She has served as a Research Ethics Committee (REC) member on the Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa and currently serves on the Tygerberg Hospital Clinical Ethics Committee and Stellenbosch Health REC.

We have 1 Administrative Officer:
Michelle ​Padiachee 

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Prof  Anton van Niekerk- BTh, DPhil is a professor of philosophy and director of the Centre for Applied Ethics​ on the main campus, Stellenbosch University. He is respected both internationally and nationally for his expertise in bioethics. In South Africa, one of his most noteworthy achievements has been the development of the Master's programme in philosophy (applied ethics). Many of his graduates are involved in bioethics teaching throughout South Africa and internationally. Prof van Niekerk has served on the research ethics committees of Stellenbosch University and the Medical Research Council (MRC. He has published widely in the field of bioethics and contributes to the undergraduate teaching of medical ethics in the Faculty of Health Sciences.


Sharon Kling (2).jpgAssociate Prof Sharon Kling- MBChB, DCH(SA), FCPaed, MMed, MPhil (Applied Ethics) is an Emeritus Associate professor in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health and part-time lecturer in addition to project consultant in the Division of Medical Ethics and Law, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), Stellenbosch University. She serves on the Clinical Ethics Committee at Tygerberg Hospital and the Undergraduate Research Ethics Committee of the FMHS. She is passionate about paediatric ethics and is currently completing her doctorate in applied ethics, in which she critically examines clinical ethics consultation in South Africa.​



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Prof Daniel Sidler- MD, MPhil (Applied Ethics), FCS (SA) was a consultant paediatric surgeon at the Tygerberg Children's Hospital for over 19 years, after specializing and working as a con​sultant paediatric surgeon at Red Cross Children's War Memorial Hospital in Cape Town. During this time, he was also a part-time lecturer at the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, University of Stellenbosch. He has served on the institutional research ethics committee and the Tygerberg Hospital clinical ethics committee. He recently transitioned to private practice in Paediatric Surgery in Cape Town. As a paediatric surgeon, his main interest is neonatal and endoscopic surgery. He maintains a keen interest in ethical issues applying to paediatric surgery.



 MHendriks.jpgMs. Melany Hendricks- Melany is the Principal Clinical Psychologist at Stikland Hospital. She is a senior lecturer and serves on the management committee of the Department of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University. Melany also serves on the Health Research Ethics Committee and holds an MPhil degree specializing in Bio-Ethics. Melany has an LLB degree and is actively involved in the labour relations management caucus of the Stikland Hospital and in the Presiding/ Investigator Officer forum of the Department of Health. Melany is currently enrolled as a doctoral student in law.



MKruger.jpgProf Mariana Kruger- MBChB, MMed Paed, MPhil(Applied Ethics), PhD (Leuven) is the executive head of the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University. She has a special interest in paediatric oncology and ethical aspects of research on children. She is a member of the research ethics committee at Stellenbosch University.





Prof Leslie London- MBChB, MD (Public Health), DOH, M Med (Community Health), BSc Hons (epid) is a Senior Specialist in Public Health at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He is Director of the School of Public Health and Family Medicine and Head of its Health and Human Rights programme. He has served on the South African National Health Research Ethics Council, the Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Ethics and Professional Practice for the Health Professions Council of South Africa and on Boards and Committees of health and human rights non-governmental organisations. His research includes work on the right to health, dual loyalties and human rights, and environmental justice, as well as health hazards related to pesticide exposures in rural communities. He teaches under- and postgraduates in human rights and public health at UCT and other higher education institutions in the country.


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Advocate Dianna Pfaff qualified with the degrees BA LLB from the University of Cape Town in 1989 and was admitted as an attorney in 1992. She practiced in the fields of human rights, personal injury, and insurance law, at partnership level from 1995, until joining MacRobert in 1999. Di was a director of MacRobert from 2000 until 2008, jointly heading the Cape Town medical section for some two years, and is now a consultant. Di's areas of expertise include all aspects of medical law, especially those relating to the Health Professions Council of South Africa, inquests, civil litigation and criminal proceedings. She has presented on these topics at conferences and also lectured law graduates in personal injury law for several years.

ProfVlok_web.jpgProf Ian Vlok is a neurosurgeon by training and holds postgraduate degrees MMed (Neurosurgery) and PhD (Neurosurgery) from the University of Stellenbosch and is a fellow of the College of Neurosurgeons in South Africa (FC Neurosurgery). Prof Vlok also completed an internationally accredited fellowship in spinal surgery in the year 2009 at Groote Schuur Hospital. He is currently the chief specialist at Tygerberg Academic Hospital and holds the academic rank of associate professor at Stellenbosch University. His practice involves all aspects of spinal surgery with a special interest in cervical spine and craniocervical junction pathologies and surgery. He is actively involved in neurosurgical and spinal training both nationally and internationally and currently serves on the executive committees of both the South African Neurosurgical Society as well as the South African Spine Society. He is the current president of the College of Neurosurgeons. He is the current clinical director of the Sunskill post-graduate skills training facility at the University of Stellenbosch.​

Verster.jpgDr Chris Verster is a senior ​lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry at Stellenbosch University, where he also serves on the Health Research Ethics Committee. He holds a joint appointment with the Western Cape Department of Health and Stellenbosch University.​

5458e57cf12d46ca9a0a72330c5e598b_edited.jpgDr Wandile Ganya​ ​is a part-time lecturer at Stellenbosch University, Centre for Medical Ethics and​ Law. He presently holds an internal medicine registrar post in the Department of Medicine at the University of Cape Town. Dr Ganya is also the 2013 winner of the Medical Protection Society Ethics Essay Competition. He is a fledgling painter and published poet with his first book Divine Interspace published in 2015 and the second, A Dark Wood: Poetical Sketches on Life & Being in the World in 2017. His research interests include African philosophy, discourse analysis in cross-cultural studies, phenomenology, artificial intelligence, bioethics, immunology, and cardiovascular medicine. He has presented academic papers at various national and international conferences thereon. ​

Research Fellow

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Theresa Rossouw is Professor in the Department of Immunology at the University of Pretoria. Her research interests encompass a wide spectrum of HIV-related work, spanning from the basic sciences where she predominantly focuses on HIV-associated drug resistance and systemic immune activation, to the clinical and social sciences, where she has been involved in exploring the socio-ethical aspects of HIV/AIDS for more than a decade. Her research and clinical work have culminated in membership of the Southern African Treatment and Resistance Network (SATuRN), the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society’s (SAHIVCS) Guideline Committee, the SAHIVCS Northern Gauteng HIV Resistance Group and an international working group on the Social and Ethical Consequences of HIV Cure Research. She is also a member of the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Health Sciences Research Committee, one of the deputy chairpersons of the Research Ethics Committee of this Faculty and the chairperson of the Research Ethics Committee​​​​ of the Human Sciences Research Council.​

​​​In Memoria​​m
Prof Brian Warren.JPGProf Brian Warren graduated with an MBChB from the University of Cape Town in 1974. His postgraduate training was at the University of Stellenbosch and he attained the degree MMed (Chir) cum laude in 1985. He was also a Fellow of the College of Surgeons of South Africa and of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He was a fulltime member of staff of the Department of Surgery, Tygerberg Hospital/University of Stellenbosch since 1985 and has been chairperson of this Department since 2002. With restructuring of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Stellenbosch in 2006, he remained head of the Division of Surgery and was also tasked with the position of executive head of the ​​​newly-created Department of Surgical Sciences. ​Areas of interest are surgery of the gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas and ethical and medico-legal issues in surgery. He was a founder member of the South African Society​ of Endoscopic Surgeons (SASES) and served as President of that society from 1997 to 1999.