Division of Medical Ethics and Law
Ethical and Social Implications of HIV Cure Research
Phase 1 - Literature review at sites
- University of North Carolina, Guangzhou – China, Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, Stellenbosch University.
- Pilot study: 15 Qualitative Interviews completed.
- Brocher Foundation seminar – 5-7 May 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
Phase 2 – Empirical research
- 25 key informant interviews, South Africa – completed.
- An educational video and information brochures have been produced to inform patients about HIV cure research – see the link and documents below.
- The educational video was subjected to an assessment of efficacy in a before and after study – completed: 92 patients interviewed at Tygerberg Hospital and at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, and a further 23 patients interviewed at Tygerberg.
Phase 3 – Empirical research
- 26 stakeholder interviews were completed, and 2 focus group discussions have been conducted. This data has been analysed and will be published in peer-reviewed journals shortly.
- Stakeholder education, engagement and dialogue, with the aim of developing an online forum, is in progress.
A fieldworker attends a clinic 3 times per week to discuss the HIV cure video, hold discussions regarding HIV and HIV Cure research, and provide information to those in the waiting area. Pamphlets in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa are handed out, and questions asked by the patients are answered to give correct information and debunk myths that still exist regarding HIV.
An interactive activity book on HIV and HIV Cure research was developed as part of a student project, and piloted in two schools in the local area in 2017. It was used in grade 9 classes as an educational tool, and met with great enthusiasm. Students entered an essay competition and the winner was awarded a tablet. This activity book is being taken forward and discussions are in place to roll out the activity book to more schools in 2018.
Interactive learning modules have been developed to be used in a clinic in Tygerberg hospital. These modules contain a short video, after which multiple choice questions are asked with the aim of improving knowledge and raising awareness of HIV and HIV Cure research. The modules will be piloted and rolled out in early 2018.
For regular updates see: http://searchiv.web.unc.edu/An educational video and information brochures have been produced to inform patients about HIV cure research – see the links below.
Community Engagement Activities
Educational Video: "Imagine a World Without HIV"
https://youtu.be/oNfw9n5nBtU. The video is available with Afrikaans and isiXhosa subtitles.
A fieldworker is employed 3
days per week in the FAMCRU clinic to
engage patients around:
The HIV Cure video
HIV prevention, management and cure pamphlets
Educational pamphlets
These pamphlets are available in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa
HIV Cure Research.pdf
Preventing HIV Infection.pdf
Managing HIV Infection.pdf
Pre Exposure Prophylaxis.pdf
HIV Cure Activity Book
The War against HIV- activity book.pdf
Essay Writing Competitions
Two essay writing competitions were held in 2017:
1. One was held with patients in the FAMCRU clinic entitled: What would an HIV cure mean to you?
2. The second was held among health science students at the Tygerberg Medical Campus, entitled: Novel and Innovative ways to engage communities in HIV cure research.

Educational Online Tool
The CMEL has developed an online educational tool for patients at the FAMCRU clinic, Tygerberg, using a touchscreen interface. This tool consists of a series of educational modules on HIV management, prevention and cured research, with each module followed by a short quiz.
Ethics essay competitions