Doctoral Office
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RIDS   |  Tygerberg Doctoral Office

Pre-doctoral Short Course in Medicine and Health Sciences

The Tygerberg Doctoral Office hosts the prestigious annual SU Pre-Doctoral Short Course in Medicine and Health Sciences, facilitated in two intensive / fulltime weeks of in-person sessions.

Date: The course is offered in two block teaching weeks. Students are also expected to complete pre-readings, minor preparation and individual assignments during the course, and approximately one week of follow-up work spread over the three to four weeks following the course. The next offering of the course is tentatively planned from 1 to 14 April 2025.

Aim: The overall aim of this short course is to provide a sound and substantial, interdisciplinary foundation for doctoral studies in Medicine or other Health Sciences, and guidance on writing a doctoral research protocol.

Target Group: PhD proposal development phase students in the SU Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences who are already working on a research topic and dissertation title with their supervisor, and are unlikely to change the topic during the course, are especially encouraged to apply. Students are expected to arrive with a well-developed sense of their own research interest. All prospective or proposal-phase doctoral students in health-related domains will benefit from this course, though those outside SU should note that certain parts of the course are dedicated to SU-specific processes. Students living with a disability / neurodiversity are warmly welcome. We are learning - please share your specific needs or requests with us up front.

Applications: Enquire to Ms Chanelle Windvogel on To be considered for this course, applicants must:

  • Be in possession of a master's degree;
  • Be available to attend the full course in person on site; and
  • Have a clear sense of their specific research interest, as already discussed with a supervisor.

Format of the Course: The Predoctoral Short Course in Medicine and Health Sciences is offered as an on-site, in-person course, though elements of the hybrid classroom are incorporated. The course will be presented in a hands-on manner where possible so that students will have ample time to engage with their protocols and consult with their supervisors. To facilitate this, successful applicants will receive reading material to study in advance. The course is intensive and occupies participants fulltime for the duration of the two teaching weeks.

Venue: BMRI, SU Tygerberg campus

Course Content: Click here for an example programme

Language of tuition: English

Certification:  The course is a registered short course for which an SU Certificate of Competence will be issued. Students will be assessed on their progress during the course - on progress with elements of their research proposal and on their presentation at the end of the course. Students are requested to exercise the option for a digital certificate, when submitting their application to enrol for the course.

CPD points:  We submit an annual application for course accreditation for 30 CPD points and 5 Ethics points - allocated (only) to those who attend the full course on site in person, and earn the certificate of competence.

NQF Level: 9

Estimated Cost:  R5,000.- per student in 2025
(Academic environments may on occasion be willing to support a student's course enrolment fee.)
Transport and lunch are for a student's own account. Only coffee/tea for a daily morning break are usually provided, budget/circumstances permitting.

Contact: Ms Chanelle Windvogel - (Course administrator)

Course convenor: Dr Liela Groenewald

Follow-up: Upon successful completion of the short course, SU students are advised to participate in the PhD Community of Practice for ongoing support for the duration of their doctoral studies, and to make use of the several relevant opportunies for capacity development offered by the SU Postgraduate Office.