Welcome to Stellenbosch University

​FMHS Research and Internationalisation Development and Support (RIDS)

The FMHS division for Research and Internationalisation Development and Support (RIDS) operates under the leadership of Prof Nico Gey van Pittius, Vice Dean of Research and Internationalisation. RIDS aims to provide a friendly, professional and efficient service for the promotion of research in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. RIDS offices service the research, funding and ethics-related needs of Faculty staff, postgraduate students and undergraduate students. RIDS is comprised of seven offices: the research capacity development and funding office, the Tygerberg doctoral office, the registrar research support office, the undergraduate research offic​e, the health research ethics office, the animal research unit, and Tygerberg International. ​It also works closely with the Grants Management Office.

Broad areas of research development and support covered by RIDS include: developing and strengthening research capacity among staff and students; coordinating research funding applications and awards from SU and national and international funding bodies; and compliance with regulatory requirements such as the ethical approval of research protocols. RIDS also maintains close links with the Division of Research Development on main campus in addressing a number of other research-related issues.

Cl​ick he​re​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​to downloa​d the organogram
RIDS Organogram.jpg​​​​​​