​​​​​Department of Surgical Sciences

Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery


We want to provide the best care to every patient through excellence in clinical practice, education and research.

We recognise that high performance in all aspects of our surgery, education and research depends  on our ability to attract and retain the most talented, passionate and committed people. Our institutional culture welcomes, develops and supports a diversity of students and staff. We foster an inclusive environment characterised by mutual respect and a common goal: Best care to every patient.

The Division manages all adult cardiac and thoracic surgery in the drainage area of Tygerberg Hospital. We perform about 400 open heart procedures per year which includes coronary artery bypass surgery, heart valve surgery and aortic surgery. Our Division, in collaboration with the Division of Cardiology have developed centres of excellence for heart valve repair surgery and adult congenital cardiac disease. We are also a referral centre for Transcutaneous heart valve replacements.

The thoracic surgery includes video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). We manage diseases of the lungs, esophagus, trachea, chest wall and all thoracic trauma. We are a referral centre for pediatric thoracic surgery and work closely with Pediatric Pulmonology and Cardiology.

Our research focuses on innovation in surgical techniques and on clinical research which helps to improve patient outcome.

Specialists: Three full time specialists and 1 part time

Registrars: Four registrars and 1 supernumerary registrar in training. The training period is 5-6 years. The goal is to create a competent surgeon with the necessary knowledge, clinical judgment, and technical abilities to carry out all of the aspects of patient care safely and accurately.

Elective students: Elective students have the possibility to do a clinical rotation in our department.  Applicants can contact the International office at e-mail ​intertyg@sun.ac.za​ or  tel 021 938 9549.



Head: Prof JT Janson
Qualifications: MB, ChB, MMed(Thor)(Stell), FCS (Thor)(SA), PhD, Associate Professor
Tel: +27 21 938 9438
Fax: +27 21 938 9717
E-mail: jjanson@sun.ac.za


Contact Person: Secretary - Mrs Ferozah Jacobs
Tel: +27 21 938 9432
Fax: +27 21 931 9717
​E-mail: ferozah@sun.ac.za