Business Management
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Grants Management Office



The Grants Management Office has a dedicated pre-award person who assists researchers with the technical aspects of applications submissions (mainly NIH applications). A weekly newsletter of all NIH calls for applications and available funding is also composed and distributed.

The Grants Management Office provides the following services during the pre-award application phase:

  • Assign a dedicated project accountant to assist with compilation of the budget with the researcher.
  • Provide advice on the budget and other technical issues during submission such as:
    • Biosketch format
    • Format of attachments
    • Best practices
    • What reviewers like & dislikes
  • Provide advice on reviewers specific requirements on research proposal documents.
  • Complete the application form in certain instances.
  • Set timelines for the timely submission of the application to be agreed upon by PI.
  • For all other funder applications, we’ll assist with the budget.
For more information please contact Dr Christa de Vries-Coetsee.

Christa De Vries-Coetsee​​​

Pre-award grants coordinator

Christa De Vries-Coetsee

+27 21 ​938 9838

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