African Cancer Institute
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

The African Cancer Institute aims to contribute to improving cancer prevention (both primary and secondary prevention, including screening), diagnosis and management in Africa.

 The African Cancer Institute is a coordinating and directive institution for research and training in the field of cancer within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Stellenbosch University. The African Cancer Institute does not claim sole proprietorship to all cancer teaching, training and research within the Faculty, but aims to play a facilitating role for the advancement of cancer-related capabilities within the Faculty.

The African Cancer Institute resorts under the Department of Medical Imaging and Clinical Oncology of the Faculty, but will promote and work on an interdisciplinary and interprofessional level. Through its programs, the ACI will assist South Africa and other African countries to build capacity, to provide education and training and to promote national and international collaboration in the field of cancer with learning and research institutions from other countries.




Inaugural Speech by Founding Director, Professor Vikash Sewram. Launch of the African Cancer Institute at the UICC World Cancer Leaders' Summit - 18 November 2013