Division of Medical Ethics and Law​


Current Newsletter

ARESA_Newsletter_30-July_2015_final-1.jpgThe South African Research Ethics Committee (SAREC) Newsletter, edited by Prof. Keymanthri Moodley, has been issued since 2004. The Newsletter, all of whose issues are available at the Division of Medical Ethics and Law​ website, functions as a sounding board to discuss and debate ethical issues in health research and to establish consensus on a host of controversial ethical issues facing health research in the country. It also provides general news about research ethics in Southern Africa and other items of interest to those who are involved in research ethics committees. The newsletter offers (for example) information about new or modified research ethics guidelines and publishes reports of research ethics and bioethics events that have taken place in the Southern African region, as well as announcements of upcoming events of interest to the research ethics community. From 2011 onwards an ARESA newsletter will be issued bi-annually. The newsletter will be trainee-driven; trainees will act as contributing authors and the content of the newsletter will partly reflect trainee perspectives on research ethics issues. Both current and former ARESA trainees will be encouraged and supported to contribute to the newsletter. This will further build the capacity of the ARESA trainees while at the same time serving to strengthen the informal network of REC members as the transition is made to a more formal REC association. Hard copies of the newsletters will be distributed to attendees at the Annual ARESA Research Ethics Seminar and other research ethics events in South Africa.​

Please click on the links below to view our ARESA newsletters.

Vol.1 No.1 - Nov 2011

Vol.2 No.1 - Jun 2012

Vol.2 No.2 - Dec 2012

Vol.3 No.1- July 2013

Vol.3 No.2 Dec 2013

Vol. 4 No.1 June 2014

Vol. 4 No. 2 Dec 2014

Vol 5 No.1 July 2015​

Vol 5 No. 2 Dec 2015

Vol 6 No.1 Dec 2016

Vol 7 No.1 Oct 2017

Vol 8 No.1 July 2018

Vol 9 No.1 June 2019

Vol 10 February 2020

Vol 11 October 2021

Vol 12 November 2022

Vol 13 December 2023
