About Aurora

A private student organization, or PSO, operates in a similar way to residences, without providing accommodation. Students who live in private accommodation off, near, or on campus are assigned to a PSO. Aurora aims to provide a number of opportunities and activities to help students engage in their university life beyond the academic sphere. Our PSO also forms part of the VicMeyr Cluster, a community of Residences and PSO’s which engage in events and socials together.

Aurora's vision and mission

Aurora PSO is a place to make friends and build relationships, and ultimately strives to become a home away from home for its members. Our vision is to provide fun and engaging experiences beyond the purely academic and to celebrate the differences and varied perspectives and experiences of our members. Furthermore, we hope to provide opportunities for our members to pursue their hobbies and passions through our various portfolios such as culture, sports and social impact. We also aim to provide leadership and critical engagement opportunities to encourage members to push their boundaries and grow as individuals, and to participate in the relevant and topical conversations that affect our students on campus.

Aurora's values

Respect, Integrity, Individuality, Unity and Gees.

The history of Aurora

Aurora PSO was established in 1981 and is the oldest and one of the largest mixed PSO’s.

Activities and offerings

  • Sports – Soccer, Netball, Rugby etc.
  • Culture – One Act Plays, Acapella, Karaoke, Culture evenings, Quiz Nights, Movie Nights, Murder Mystery Dinner etc.
  • Leadership Development – First Years Committee, Seniors Committee, Mentoring, House Committee and other leadership opportunities
  • Critical Engagement – Open discussions, lessons and podcasts concerning social, environment and political issues
  • Socials – Dances, games nights etc.
  • Clothing – T-Shirts, hats and other branded merchandise

Mentorship offered by Aurora

Our 24 newly elected mentors are senior members house members that will assist our newcomers in the initial transition into university life. Our mentors form part of various faculties and will be able to assist the newcomers with their initial orientation to university and throughout the year with academics and co-curricular activities. Mentors provide insight into coping with university life, while also keeping the newcomers informed of events and activities in the PSO and around campus. 

Aurora's Primarius


Ewin Michael

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Social Media

Click here to visit Aurora's Facebook page.

Click here to visit Aurora's Instagram profile.