Die PRONTAK (Professionele Onderrigontwikkeling vir Akademici)-kortkursus (in Engels PREDAC) word jaarliks vir nuut aangestelde akademici aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch aangebied.
Tydens hierdie kursus sal elke deelnemer, saam met ander nuut aangestelde dosente van verskillende dissiplines, die geleentheid gegun word om te besin oor hulle menings, kennis en aannames oor onderrig, leer en assessering binne die konteks van huidige denke oor universiteitsonderrig. Praktiese en innoverende benaderings tot onderrig en assessering sal deurgaans in die kursus aandag geniet. Nasionale en institusionele raamwerkewat Hoër Onderwys in Suid-Afrika en aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) rig, sal ook gedek word.
Deelnemers sal uitgedaag word om te beoordeel hoe kennis en beleid op 'n betekenisvolle wyse in hulle eie vakgebiede toegepas kan word. Hulle sal aan die einde van die kursus 'n konseptuele raamwerk wegneem wat hulle in staat sal stel om oor onderrig, leer en assessering te besin ten einde hulle eie onderrigpraktyke te beplan en uit te brei.
Die kursus bied ook 'n unieke geleentheid vir deelnemers om in 'n kollegiale atmosfeer bande te smee met kollegas uit hulle eie fakulteit, asook uit ander departemente en fakulteite. Hulle sal ook aan die US se institusionele kultuur bekendgestel word, wat hopelik sal help om hulle vinniger tuis te laat voel.
Predac is the SU short course for the Professional Educational Development of Academics in their teaching role. The Prontak/Predac short course is annually presented for newly appointed academics at Stellenbosch University. During this course, participants will, together with other newly appointed lecturers from different faculties, be given the opportunity to reflect on their views, knowledge and assumptions about teaching, learning and assessment within the context of current thoughts on university teaching. Practical and innovative approaches towards teaching and assessment tasks will be addressed throughout the course. National and institutional frameworks which direct Higher Education in South Africa and at Stellenbosch University (SU) will be covered as well. Participants will be challenged to judge how knowledge and policy can be applied in a meaningful way in their own subject areas. They will develop a conceptual framework that will enable them to reflect on teaching, learning and assessment in order to plan and expand their own teaching practices.
The course also provides a unique opportunity for participants to forge relationships with colleagues from their own faculty as well as other departments and faculties in a collegial atmosphere. In addition, they will be introduced to the institutional culture of SU which will hopefully help them feel at home more swiftly.
I-Predac sisifundo esifutshane sase-SU esilungiselelwe uPhuhliso lwaBahlohli naBafundi ngokuQeqeshiweyo nangokweMfundo kwindima yabo yokufundisa. Isifundo esifutshane se-Prontak/se-Predac siprezentwa rhoqo ngonyaka ukulungiselela abahlohli okanye abafundi abatyunjwe kutsha-nje kwiYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch. Ngelixa lesi sifundo, abathathi-nxaxheba, bekunye nabanye abahlohli abatyunjwe kutsha-nje abasuka kwiifakhalthi ezahluka-hlukeneyo, baza kunikwa ithuba lokuba babonakalise izimvo zabo, ulwazi lwabo noko bakucingayo malunga nokufundisa, ukufunda nohlolo kwimeko yeengcinga zangoku-nje ngokujoliswe ekufundiseni kwaseyunivesithi. Iindlela ezisebenzayo nezingobuchule ngokujoliswe kwimisebenzi yokufundisa nokuhlola ziza kuqwalaselwa kwesi sifundo sisonke. Izikhokelo zesizwe nezeziko ezilawula iMfundo ePhakamileyo eMzantsi Afrika nakwiYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch (SU) nazo ziza kuqwalaselwa. Abathathi-nxaxheba baza kunikwa umngeni wokuba babe ziijaji zendlela ulwazi nomgaqo-nkqubo onokusetyenziswa ngayo ngendlela enentsingiselo kwimimandla yezifundo zabo. Baza kuphuhlisa isikhokelo esingengqiqo nesiza kubenza babe nako ukubonakalisa ukufundisa, ukufunda nokuhlola ukuze bacwangcise ze bandise imisebenzi yabo yokufundisa.
Esi sifundo sikwabonelela ngethuba elifana lodwa lokuba abathathi-nxaxheba bakhe ubudlelwane kunye nabo basebenza nabo abasuka kwiifakhalthi zabo kwakunye namanye amasebe nezinye iifakhalthi kwimeko yasekholeji. Ukongeza, baza kwaziswa inkcubeko yeziko yase-SU nekuthenjwa ukuba iza kubanceda bazive besekhaya ngokukhawuleza.
Struktuur van die kursus
- Visedekane (O-L-A) benoem deelnemers vir die PRONTAK-kortkursus.
- Gesentraliseerde en fakulteitsgebaseerde aktiwiteite word gedurende die kortkursus gekombineer.
- Deelnemers moet aan alle aktiwiteite deelneem.
- PRONTAK word as ’n gemengde program met aanlyn inhoud sowel as persoonlike kontakdae aangebied.
- Deelnemers woon ook die AvOL-konferensie by om hulle plakkate aan te bied.
Kontak en aanlyn | In en oor fakulteite
Deurlopende SOL-steun en portuurterugvoer
- ...on being and becoming a lecturer
- ...based on own experiences and literature
- ...teaching and learning principles
- own module design
- ...with knowledgeable others
- create professional network
- a community of peers
- create mutual support
- ...while becoming a refelctive practitioner
- ...with peers
- refine module design
- ....culminating in a poster presentation
- ...with peers during most phases
- giving, receiving and responding to feedback
- enhance preofessional growth

2022 Gallery
Besoek die Gallery hier
2021 Gallery
Besoek die Gallery hier
2019 Gallery
As deel van hulle finale assessering het PRONTAK-deelnemers plakkate van hulle leer- en onderrigintervensies by die AvOL konferensie van 30 Oktober 2019 gedeel.
