’n Lys van navorsingsprojekte oor Onderrig en Leer in Hoër Onderwys, onderneem deur SOL en fakulteite aan die US, sowel as deur SOL-adviseurs in samewerking met nasionale en/of internasionale vennote.
Onderrig- en Leernavorsingsprojekte van SOL
- Council on Higher Education. 2017.
Learning to teach in Higher Education in South Africa. An investigation into the influences of institutional context on the professional learning of academics in their roles as teachers. Pretoria: CHE [Online]. Available: (2017, Jun 2]
- Herman, N. 2015. The role of context in the decision-making of lecturers for participating in professional learning for teaching at a research-led university. PhD. [linked to Structure, Culture and Agency project.]
- Jacobs, C. & Strydom, S. 2013-2014. Signature pedagogies. Please refer to Journal Articles, 2014. [linked to Signature Learning Experience project.]
National Collaborative Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education in Teaching and Learning. Teaching Development Grant Collaboration 2014/15 - 2016/17.
- Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Burgoyne, M., Ruiters, J.M. & Young, G. 2012. The First-Year Experience. [linked to Signature Learning Experience project.]
- Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Farmer, J.L., Ruiters, J.M. & Young, G. Early Assessment. Please refer to Journal Articles, 2012. [linked to First Year Academy project.]
Fakulteit-spesifieke Onderrig- en Leernavorsingsprojekte
- Adendorff, H.J. & Rewitzky, I.R. 2016. Outcome evaluation of Teaching Development Grant Project in Science at SU.
- Adendorff, H.J. & Rewitzky, I.R. 2017. Project aimed at unpacking student perceptions of academic support in Science.
- Cattell, K. 2010-2014. Writing Skills Strategy, Faculty of Law. Monitoring and evaluation of project.
Nasionale Onderrig- en Leernavorsingsprojekte
- Leibowitz, B., Herman, N. & Farmer, J.L. 2011-2015. Structure, culture, agency. NRF project in collaboration with other SA universities.