Africa Centre for Inclusive Health Management
The Centre is a unit for education, research and community service related to HIV and AIDS management in the workplace.
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Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement
The Centre (at USB) sees itself as a catalyst and thought leader in developing the theory and practice of mediation in all its forms, with a special emphasis on conflicts involving economic actors.
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Bureau for Economic Research (BER)
The Bureau is an economic research institution. It monitors and forecasts economic trends, and identifies and analyses factors (both locally and internattionally) that affect South African businesses.
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Centre for Corporate Governance
The Centre (at USB) conducts multi-disciplinary research and offers educational and development activities to improve the effectiveness of corporate governance in African organisations.
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Centre for Statistical Consultation
The Centre assists researchers and postgraduate students with statistical aspects of their research, including the calculation and interpretation of results.
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Institute for Futures Research (IFR)
The Institute is a research institution uniquely positioned to assist decision-makers and strategic planners in initiating and managing medium to long-term change.
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The Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST)
The Centre for sustainability Transitions (CST) at SU brings together complexity thinking, sustainability science and transdisciplinary research methodology.
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This Centre is a specialist anti-corruption education and trainin institute. Its accredited anti-corruption courses impart the knowledge, awareness, skills and strategies to introduce and enforce effective anti-corruption programmes in the public and private sectors.
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