Centre for Teaching & Learning
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

​Au​xin Hulpbronne 2017





















  26 September 2017​​​​

  • Die leer en onderrig van pasient-gesentreerdheid in 'n voorgraadse mediese kurrikulum
  •   Dr E Archer​​
  •   PDF-weergawe
  •   Reklameteks
​ ​

  29 Augustus 2017​​

  • “I have always felt that something needed to be said or done but I could not find the words for it": Creating 'safe spaces' for the cultivation of complex vocabulary
  •   Ms M de Villiers, Fakulteit Teologie​, BLC​
  •   PDF-weergawe
  •  ​ Reklameteks​​



  25 Julie 2017​​

  • Teacher professional development: Mentoring as part of teacher development and the role of university-school relationships during work integrated learning periods.​​
  •   Dr ML Botha, Fakulteit Opvoedkunde, Departemente Kurrikulumstudie​
  •  ​ ​Reklameteks​​



  30 Mei 2017

  • A dichotomy: The promise of technology as mediator of learning and professional socialisation
  •   Mr Jacob du Plessis
  •   PDF-weergawe​​
  •   ​Reklameteks​​



  25 April 2017​​​​


  28 Maart 2017​​

  • Kritiese regsopvoeding onder 'n transformatiewe grondwet
  •   Dr Shanelle van der Berg en​ Prof Sandra Liebenberg
  •   ​Reklameteks​​



 28 Februarie 2017​​​

  • Ek is die dosent, jy is die student: Maar wie is jy?
  •   Elmien Strauss
  •   Reklameteks


