In 2016 Applied English Language Studies 318 comprises various sections. The details are given in the table below. Note that some lectures might be self-study or take a different format to the traditional lecture.
01/02 | FIRST MEETING - Dr L Mongie |
02/02 – 11/03 | BILINGUALISM Prof R Beck | STYLISTICS Dr T Bernard (Tuesday periods) |
14/03 – 29/04 | LANGUAGE SHIFT TO ENGLISH Ms E George |
02/05 – 13/05 | CAPSTONE PRESENTATIONS Ms H Zybrands |
There are four scheduled lecture periods per week.
- Monday 08:00 (Arts Building, room 225)
- Tuesday 16:00 (Arts Building, room 225)
- Wednesday 09:00 (Arts Building, room 225)
- Thursday 12:00 (Arts Building, room 225)
Prescribed works
There are no prescribed books for Applied English Language Studies 318. Students will be provided with readings from various sources (articles from journals, chapters from books, etc.) throughout the semester. Study material will also be available on SUNLearn.
(i) The Department follows a system of continuous assessment for Applied English Language Studies 318. This means that the marks which a student earns for every test, assignment and other set task throughout the semester constitute the student's final mark.
(ii) There is no formal examination and no opportunity for a re-assessment. The system of continuous assessment demands that a student meets all the set requirements throughout the semester. A student who does not meet all the set requirements will not be awarded a final mark.
In 2016 Applied English Language Studies 348 comprises various sections. The details are given in the table below. Note that some lectures might be self-study or take a different format to the traditional lecture. For specific information in this regard, please consult the lecture programmes of the individual sections of Applied English Language Studies 348; these programmes will be handed out in class and will also be available on SUNLearn.
18/07 – 12/08 | ENGLISH IN INTERCULTURAL SETTINGS Dr T Bernard & Dr V da Silva |
15/08 – 16/09 | ENGLISH IN PERSPECTIVE Prof M Bylund |
19/09 – 07/10 | ENGLISH IN THE ELECTRONIC AGE Dr K Huddlestone |
10/10 – 21/10 | CAPSTONE PRESENTATIONS Dr F Southwood |
There are four scheduled lecture periods per week.
- Monday 08:00 (venue to be announced)
- Tuesday 16:00 (venue to be announced)
- Wednesday 09:00 (venue to be announced)
- Thursday 12:00 (venue to be announced)
Prescribed book
Crystal, D. 2011. Internet Linguistics: A Student Guide. London: Routledge.
(i) The Department follows a system of continuous assessment for Applied English Language Studies 348. This means that the marks which a student earns for every test, assignment and other set task throughout the semester constitute the student's final mark.
(ii) There is no formal examination and no opportunity for a re-assessment. The system of continuous assessment demands that a student meets all the set requirements throughout the semester. A student who does not meet all the set requirements will not be awarded a final mark.