Centre for Teaching and Learning
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Institutional Policies


Stellenbosch University strives to contribute to society at large, through advancing knowledge in service of society. Excellence is the underlying value in all undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and learning programmes at the University. In the “Strategic Framework 2019 – 2024", the University's vision for the field of teaching and learning is centred around a learning-centred approach, captured in the core strategic theme of “networked and collaborative teaching and learning". This approach is formulated as follows:

The University promotes a learning-centred approach to teaching (and learning) that focuses on learning as a partnership, where students are seen as co-creators of knowledge and learning environments." 

This vision is complemented by one of the main aims of the University's “Strategy for Teaching and Learning 2017 – 2021":

… to give direction in achieving the aims set for this University to remain one of the leading universities in South Africa – also in the domain of teaching and learning."​​

Policy documents and reports that provide institutional guidance:

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The following table contains a variety of institutional policy documents and reports, focusing on teaching and learni​​ng:

Teaching-​L​ea​rning Polic​y​
​​​Last Approved:2 December 2024 (TLA Position paper:  Review of the SU T&L Policy:  Reconceptualisation of key concepts and practices available here.​)
​Revision Date: 
​The policy must be reviewed during its fifth year of operation. It may be reviewed earlier, or more than once during its period of operation, if the owner of the policy deems it necessary.​
​Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement ​​

​To regulate the implementation of learning-centred teaching-learning-assessment (TLA) across all credit-bearing undergraduate and postgraduate offerings, and across all modes of provision.​
Afrik​aans versi​on
isiXhosa version

​​Assessment Policy
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement  ​​
​To provide a framework for establishing valid, reliable and justifiable assessment practices and for setting clear criteria according to which faculties can orient and evaluate such practices​.
View the Infographic here.
Relevant Assessment terminology:

Downlo​ad​​ ​

​​AI Guidelines
​​Last Approved:
August 2023
​Revision Date: 
​This document remains open for feedback and will be reviewed annually to stay up to date with the latest developments
Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement  ​​
These institutional guidelines describe Stellenbosch University’s interim approach to the ethical and responsible use of AI tools in assessment practices. The guidelines aim to support transformative learning and achievement of sought after graduate attributes. It sees assessment as an integrated part of the teaching-learning-assessment at SU. With respect to summative assessment, it offers two perspectives: a) guidance to lecturers to help direct their practices towards enabling student learning in an AI-enabled world, and b) guidance to students to use AI tools and systems in a responsible manner that supports their shorter and longer-term learning. Although relevant to all teaching-learning-assessment practices at SU, these guidelines have a specific bearing on all uninvigilated, summative assessment activities, both during and at the end of the module.

​​Conceptual Framework Document for Academic Literacies ​
​​Last Approved:
March/April 2021​​
​Revision Date: 
Director: Language Centre​​​
​To provide a comprehensive background and conceptual framework regarding academic literacies (AL) and why there is a need for these in tertiary curricula; update the working definition for AL and identify the gaps in the offerings based on a survey done, which will aid the University and programme designers in both current initiatives as well as the implementation of new approaches and practices; clarify what services are currently available and the modes in which they offer support to faculties in the development of AL and outline the financial implications; and propose suggestions for the way forward for faculties​​.​
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​​ECP: Guidelines Relating To SU's Extended Curriculum​ Programmes
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
Under review
Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement 
​To conceptualise, operationalise and manage ECP programmes in alignment with the University's mission.​​​
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Relevant DHET policies:​

20 03 18 General foundation policy.pdf
20 03 18 Funding policy on foundation provisioning.pdf

​​​​​​ Guidelines for making re​cordings available
​​​Last Approved:8 August 2022
​Revision Date: 
​To be revised periodically by the Committee for Learning, Teaching and Assessment as required.

​Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement ​​
​​Purp​ose /Brief:

​This document outlines the background and first principles, possible strategies for pre- and post-lecture
engagement with study material, general guidelines when recording lectures and/or making them
available to students as well as further issues and actions to be followed up.

​​Guidelines​ for Programme Committee Chairs and Programme Leaders
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement 
To describe the roles, duties and responsibilities of Programme Committee Chairs and Programme Leaders who work within and across departments and faculties at Stellenbosch University.​

​​Internal And External Moderation and the Processing of Results
​​Last Approved:
August / September 2014 
​Revision Date: 
2019 (currently under review)
Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement ​ ​​
​​To ensure that standard practices are followed about peer evaluation (via internal and/or moderation) in all modules and programmes.
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​​Plagiarism Policy (in support of Academic Integrity)
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
2021 (currently under revision)
Senior Directors: Research and Innovation and Learning and Teaching Enhancement 
To ensure that mechanisms are in place to enable staff and students to promote academic integrity and eliminate plagiarism.
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​​​Procedure for the investigation and management of allegations of plagiarism​
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
2021  (currently under revision)
Senior Directors: Research and Innovation and Learning and Teaching Enhancement ​​
To ensure that plagiarism cases are dealt with consistently and fairly.​
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​​Regulation for the Committee for Learning, Teaching​​​ and Assessment​ (CTLA)
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
As needed
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
To regulate the practices related to the work of the Committee for Teaching, Learning and Assessment (CTLA)​
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​​Regulations for the management of Finlo: Fund for Innovation and Research into Learning and Teaching​
​​Last Approved:
18 April 2019
​Revision Date: 
September 2021​
Senior Director: Division of Learning and Teaching Enhancement​ ​​
​To enhance learning and teaching for lecturers and students through the funding of learning and teaching projects that are either innovative or research-focused. To provide continuous support from the institution to the sustainability of the FIRLT.​

​​Regulation for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT)​
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
Every five years (currently under revision)
The Registrar 
To provide a quality assurance framework for the recognition of prior informal and non-formal learning within RPL, as well as of formal learning within CAT​​​​.​​

​​Regulations for Peer-to-Peer learning support​
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
Every five to six years 
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
To regulate the practices related to the employment and use of students for teaching and learning support​​​​​.
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​​Recommendations of the Task Team for the Promotion and Recognition of Teaching
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
As needed
Senior Director: Division for Learning and Teaching Enhancement
This report outlines the institutional guidelines for the promotion, recognition and reward of good teaching at SU.​

​​Strategy for Teaching and Learning​​
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
2021 (currently under review)
Director: Centre for Teaching and Learning
To formulate the SU graduate attributes and to provide for operationalising the vision and strategic priorities for teaching and learning.​

​​Strategy for Using ICT i​n Teaching and Learning​
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 

Centre for Learning​​ Technologies
To formulate a vision and strategy for the effective and efficient utilisation of ICTs in teaching and learning.​
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​​Student Feedback​ Policy
​​Last Approved:
​Revision Date: 
Currently under revision 
Centre for Teaching and Learning​​
​To provide detailed regulations about obtaining and utilising student feedback. Student feedback is aimed at the support and promotion of quality teaching at SU. ​

Also see the Revision of the Student ​Feedback system:  Interim report of the Task Team, 28 April 2015​
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​​​​​​ ​SU Graduate Attributes: Profile of a graduate
​​​Last Approved:20 ​September​ 2023​​​ ​
​Revision Date: 

​Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement ​​

​As a creator of sustainable hope in Africa, Stellenbosch University aspires to create the kinds of conditions that will enable each student to acquire the attributes outlined​ in this document.