Centre for Teaching and Learning
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Professional learning opportunities for T-L-A

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Die primêre rol wat die Sentrum vir Onderrig en Leer (SOL) vervul, is die professionele leer van akademici aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) met betrekking tot hulle onderrigrol. Die kernkwessies ten opsigte van die professionele leer van akademici aan die US word duideliker gemaak deur die volgende uittreksel uit die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Strategie vir Onderrig en Leer 2014-2018

Die Universiteit sal slegs sy gegradueerdes kan help om ondersoekende, betrokke, dinamiese, professionele sowel as afgeronde individue te word indien sy onderrig- en leerreëlings, asook die reëlings wat alle aspekte van die studente-ervaring rig, met só 'n visie strook. Om dít te bereik, word die volgende vereis: Kritiese en vakkundige dosente. Vir die US om soveel moontlik geleenthede aan sy studente te bied om op toepaslike wyse aan 'n navorsingsgerigte en ondersoekgegronde leerervaring deel te neem, moet die instelling oor dosente beskik wat as rolmodelle, leiers, kundiges, vennote en fasiliteerders dien. Hierdie dosente is kritiese vakkundiges wat hul eie dissiplines sowel as die akademieskap van onderrig en leer verken. Hulle doen gereeld selfondersoek en is ontvanklik vir kritiek op hul akademiese werk en werkwyse. Die onderwyskonteks moet omstandighede skep waarin dosente kan floreer en hul leergierigheid met hul studente kan deel. 

Van die vyf strategiese prioriteite vermeld in die Universiteit se Strategie vir Onderrig en Leer, is dit die eerste een wat die direkste verband hou met die rol van die Sentrum vir Onderrig en Leer: die professionalisering van die vakkundige onderrigrol. Die professionele leer van dosente is onderliggend aan die volgende strategiese prioriteite van die Sentrum vir Onderrig en Leer: 

  • Skep professionele leergeleenthede vir akademiese personeel in alle fakulteite; 
  • Skep geleenthede vir akademici om meer reflektief en navorsingsgeoriënteerd met betrekking tot hulle onderrig te raak; 
  • Bevestig die waarde en bevorder die statuur van onderrig; 
  • Dra by tot die verwesenliking van die US-eienskappe van die graduandi in die kurrikulum; 
  • Ontwikkel 'n kritiese massa van onderrig-en-leer-kenners in elke fakulteit; 
  • Bou die akademieseontwikkelingskapasiteit van SOL-personeel. 

SOL het 'n gedesentraliseerde model in gebruik geneem en hierdie model behels 'n kombinasie van sentraalgedrewe institusionele aktiwiteite, asook fakulteitgebaseerde projekte en inisiatiewe. Adviseurs het dus 'n dubbele verantwoordelikheid – teenoor die Sentrum, maar ook teenoor die Fakulteite.

Eyona ndima iphambili yeli Ziko lokuFundisa nokuFunda (IFF) kukufunda kwabahlohli nabafundi ngokuqeqeshekileyo kwiYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch (SU), ngokujoliswe kwindima yabo yokufundisa. Eyona miba iphambili ekufundeni ngokuqeqeshiweyo kwabahlohli nabafundi e-SU icaciswa sesi sicatshulwa sisuka kwiYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch sithi Strategy for Teaching and Learning 2014-2018, nesichaza ukuba: 

Ukuze iYunivesithi ixhase izithwala-ndwe ukuba zibe nemibuzo, zikhuthale, zibe nobuchule kwaye ziqeqesheke kakuhle, amalungiselelo okufundisa nokufunda eYunivesithi, kwakunye namalungiselelo alawula zonke iinkalo zamava abafundi, kufuneka abe angqamene nombono onjalo. Oku kulandelayo kuyafuneka ukuze kufezekiswe oku: Abahlohli ababaluleke kakhulu nabasebenza ngobufundiswa. Ukuze i-SU ibonelele kangangoko inako ngamathuba okuba abafundi bathathe inxaxheba ngokufanelekileyo kumava okufunda ahlangene nophando nasekelwe ekufundeni, ifuna abahlohli abayimizekelo, abaziinkokheli, abaziincutshe, abangamaqabane nabangabaququzeleli. Bazizifundiswa ezibaluleke kakhulu, bephanda amasebe olwazi abasebenza kuwo nobufundiswa bokufundisa nokufunda. Bayakwamkela ukuboniswa nokugxekwa malunga nomsebenzi wabo. Imeko yezemfundo kufuneka ibonelele ngeemeko apho abahlohli banokuthi bachume kuyo, kwaye babelane nabafundi babo ngokunxanelwa kwabo ulwazi. 

Kula macebo-qhinga ahamba phambili kwiQhinga lokuFundisa nokuFunda leyunivesithi, lelo lokuqala elilelona lihambelana ngokuthe ngqo kakhulu nendima yeZiko lokuFundisa nokuFunda: ukwenziwa koqeqesho lwendima yokufundisa ngobufundiswa. Ukufunda kwabahlohli ngokuqeqeshiweyo kubethelela la macebo-qhinga ahamba phambili eZiko lokuFundisa nokuFunda: 

  • Ukudala amathuba okufunda ngokuqeqeshiweyo kwabasebenzi bezemfundo abakwiifakhalthi; 
  • Ukubonelela ngamathuba okuba abahlohli nabafundi babe nengqwalasela ngakumbi kwaye basebenze ngophando ngakumbi malunga nokufundisa kwabo;
  • Ukuqinisa ixabiso lokufundisa nokuphucula umgangatho wako; 
  • Ukuba negalelo ekufezekisweni kweempawu zezithwala-ndwe zase-SU kwikharityhulam;
  • Ukuphuhlisa ubuchwepheshe bokufundisa nokufunda obubaluleke kakhulu kwifakhalthi nganye; 

Ukwakha isakhono sophuhliso lwezemfundo kubasebenzi be-CTL. I-CTL iye yamkela imodeli ekumgangatho ongezantsi, nebandakanya indibanisela yemisebenzi yeziko eqhutywa embindini, kwakunye neeprojekthi namaphulo asekelwe kwiifakhalthi. Abacebisi ke ngoko banoxanduva olungobanjiswano ngokujoliswe kwiZiko nakwiiFakhalthi. ​


The primary role of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (IFF) is the professional learning of academics at Stellenbosch University (SU), with regard to their teaching role. The key issues in the professional learning of academics at SU are informed by this excerpt from the Stellenbosch University Stra​tegy for Teaching and Learning 2014-2018, which states that:​​

For the University to support graduates to becoming enquiring, engaged, dynamic and well-rounded, the teaching and learning arrangements of the University, as well as the arrangements governing all aspects of the student experience, need to be aligned to such a vision. The following is required to achieve this: Critical and scholarly lecturers. For SU to provide the maximum in opportunities for students to engage appropriately in a research-infused and enquiry-based learning experience, requires lecturers who are role models, leaders, experts, partners and facilitators. They are critical scholars, enquiring into their own disciplines and into the scholarship of teaching and learning. They are reflective and open to critique about their practice. The education context needs to provide conditions in which lecturers may flourish, and share their curiosity with their students.

Of the five strategic priorities outlined in the university Strategy for Teaching and Learning, it is the first one that relates most directly to the role of the Centre for Teaching and Learning: the professionalisation of the scholarly teaching role. The professional learning of lecturers underpins the following strategic priorities of the Centre for Teaching and Learning:

  • Create professional learning opportunities for academic staff in faculties;
  • Provide opportunities for academics to become more reflective and research-oriented about their teaching;
  • Affirm the value and enhance the stature of teaching;
  • Contribute to the realisation of the SU graduate attributes in the curriculum;
  • Develop a critical mass of teaching and learning expertise in each faculty;
  • Build the academic development capacity of CTL staff.

The CTL has adopted a devolved model, which involves a combination of centrally-driven institutional activities, as well as faculty-based projects and initiatives. Advisors therefore carry a dual responsibility to the Centre and the Faculties.