Centre for Teaching and Learning
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
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​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​This conference aims to address all aspects of teaching-learning-assessment (TLA) at SU in an open, supportive and intellectually stimulating atmosphere. 

It provides a platform where academics can:

  • share best practices, research findings and innovative ideas about teaching and learning;
  • reflect on and debate about teaching and learning methods, trends and goals within the current context; and
  • celebrate teaching and learning.​

This is an in-house conference offered to Stellenbosch University staff. Prize winners are selected yearly, and the prizes include the attendance of a TLA conference to further the scholarship of the winners' TLA.​​

2024 SoTL winners​

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2023 SoTL winners​

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2022 SoTL winners

Research track
 Riana Goosen & Gretha Steenkamp (School of Accountancy)

Title: “Towards a framework for the development of teamwork skills in Accounting students"​

Innovation track
 Taryn Bernard (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)

Title: ​"Teaching identity construction in academic texts through modality and visuals"​

Delegates' Choice
 Patricia Zweig (Research Alliance for Disaster and Risk Reduction)

Title: “Bringing Africa into the classroom​"​

Best PREDAC Poster
 Melissa Botha, Kerotse Kekana & Sabrina Matthee (Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences)

Title: “Procrastination is the thief of time​"​

2021 SoTL winners

Research track
 Ms Mariette Volschenk; Prof Susan van Schalkwyk and Prof Eli Bitzer ​

Title: “Being and becoming a Master of Health Professions Education"​

Innovation track
 Prof Craig McGregor ​

Title: “Engineering report writing peer learning system"

Reflection track
 Mr Juan Ontong; Ms Sher-Lee Arendse and Ms Chrystal Schonken

Title:  “The evolving role of an​ academic online mentoring programme"​

Delegates' Choice
 Prof Gareth Arnott; Dr Margaret Blackie and Dr Catherine Kaschula​

Title:  “Let’s let them ‘cheat’! Group work in a summative assessment setting”​​

Best PREDAC Poster
 Capt (SAN) Dr Dries A Putter; Lt Col Dr Susan Henrico; Lt Col Dr Marcel Reutener; Col Hlengiwe Mkhize; and Mr Godfrey Ramuhlala​​

Title: “Interactive content assessment in counter-intelligence theory: assessing cognitive learning in reading, comprehension and writing"


2020 SoTL winners

Best Research-based paper
 The l​ate ​Dr Alwyn Louw and Dr Tiana Schultz​​​

Title: Strategies to teach graduate attributes – a scoping review​​​​​

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Best practice-based paper
 Ms Gretha Steenkamp and Mr Alwyn Visser

Title: Class recordings in a post-graduate financial accounting course: Student perceptions​

Best reflection-based paper​
 Ms AMS Schmutz, Dr Alison Lupton-Smith and Dr Marianne Unger

Title: ​Unintended benefits of an e-block toward clinical competence in physiotherapy

Delegate's Choice
 Dr Anita Jonker​​

Title: ​Institutional obstacles to authentic transformation at Stellenbosch University

Best PREDAC Poster
 Dr Marlon le ​​​Roux & Dr Ethel Phiri

Title: ​Twenty-first-century learning: Keeping up with Gen Z

Previous SoTL winners


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Best research-based paper
 Mouton, M. & ​​Rootman-Le Grange, I.​

Title: Craig Who? Developing Students’ Scientific Discourse through Collaborative Pedagogy ​

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Best practice-based paper
 Southey, P.

Title: Blended, Interactive Learning and The Ratio Table​

Delegate's choice
 Nel, M.

Title: A Prison-University Educational Partnership: Rehumanising Learning through Collaborative Course Design


 Barnard, M., Adams, S.
      & du Preez, R

Title: Gamification For the Win!... or not? Evaluating Student Perceptions​

 Essop, F

Title: Unique ways to enhance critical thinking in Physiology undergraduate classes

 Southey, P

Title: Concepts in context

 McKay, M

Title: Inhabiting a more ambiguous self : Using discomfort to explore issues of social justice​​                                   

 Van Schalkwyk, S.; Blitz, J.; Conradie, H.; Fish, T.; Kok, N.; Van Heerden, B.; De Villiers, M.;

Title: Towards an evidence-based framework for clinical training on a rural platform: The outcome of a five-year longitudinal mixed methods study

 Plastow, N.; Van Niekerk, L.; De Klerk, S.; Bester, J.; Vlok, B.; Jacobs Nzuzi Kuabi, L.; Cloete, L.; Fredericks, J.; Coetzee, Z.; Sheik Ismail A

Title: Embedding Graduate Attributes into Curriculum Development in the First Year of an Occupational Therapy Program

 Bernard, T

Title: Using CBI, SFL and CEAP to integrate content and language learning in a higher education context​

 Nieuwoudt, L

Title: Economics' adventure into the land of collaborative, problem based learning...Part 1

 Lutz, M

Title: Using Cell Phones and Peer Instruction to enhance Unverstanding and Learning of Chemistry in Large Firty-year classes​​​

 Dempers, J.; Janse van Rensburg, M.; Verster, J.; Bezuidenhout, J

Title: "Hey Trantino, show me your pituitary!"​​​​

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