Flipping the Script in Teaching and Learning
Ruth Andrews
Recommended reading:
Bartram, D., & Roe, R. A. (2008). Individual and organisational factors in competence acquisition. In The learning potential of the workplace (pp. 71-96). Brill.
- Miller, G. E. (1990). The assessment of clinical skills/competence/performance. Academic medicine, 65(9), S63-7.
- Dreyfus, S. E., & Dreyfus, H. L. (1980). A five-stage model of the mental activities involved in directed skill acquisition. California Univ Berkeley Operations Research Center.
- Hammer, M. R., Bennett, M. J., & Wiseman, R. (2003). Measuring intercultural sensitivity: The intercultural development inventory. International journal of intercultural relations, 27(4), 421-443.
- Taylor, P. J., Russ-Eft, D. F., & Chan, D. W. (2005). A meta-analytic review of behavior modeling training. Journal of applied psychology, 90(4), 692.
- Bandura, A., & Walters, R. H. (1977). Social learning theory (Vol. 1). Prentice Hall: Englewood cliffs.
The SU Teaching & Learning Policy states that holistic development of students involves integrating the curriculum and co-curriculum. The co-curriculum fulfils a role in graduate attributes acquisition, linking graduate attributes to a competency framework for implementation through in and out-of-class learning experiences for non-degree purposes. Wide varieties of co-curricular activities are available for students’ holistic development. At SU, co-curricular learning is competency-based, to allow for the development and assessment of capabilities which articulate with the world of work, with society and social justice, and with disciplinary knowledges.
This presentation covers the Co-curriculum Office’s journey from 2018 to present in developing a robust and well researched Competency Framework to further strengthen student capabilities in implementing in-and out-of-class learning experiences to facilitate the acquisition of the graduate attribute as defined by Stellenbosch University. The Co-curriculum Office received FINLO funding in 2020 towards exploring the development of competency assessment tools for use in the co-curriculum as well as the curriculum. Research (e.g. Dreyfus, Miller, Ten Cate, Van der Vleuten, McClelland, Prifti); a series of competency design workshops together with practical work has been over time to develop competency-based assessment skills and tools. This project is a South African first within an academic environment, that will achieve the full integration of curriculum & co-curriculum experiential learning with behavioural assessment rubrics in learning design. isiXhosa: Umgaqo-nkqubo wokuFunda nokuFundisa weYunivesithi yase-Stellenbosch (SU) uthi, uphuhliso olupheleleyo lwabafundi lubandakanya ukudibanisa ikharityhulam kunye nekharityhulam eyimfihlo. Ikharityhulam eyimfihlo izalisekisa indima ekufumaneni iimpawu zesidanga, esinxulumanisa iimpawu zesidanga kwisakhelo sobuchule sokuphunyezwa angaphakathi nangaphandle kwamava okufunda eklasini, ngeenjongo ezingezizo zesidanga. Iindidi ngeendidi zemisebenzi yekharityhulam eyimfihlo ziyafumaneka ukulungiselela uphuhliso olupheleleyo lwabafundi. Funda kabanzi apha...