Degree programmes in the Biological Sciences
BSc in Biodiversity and Ecology
The programme focuses on the diversity, origin and function of organisms in relation to their environment and provides a conceptual understanding of animals and plants, ecology, evolution, biological changes on a global scale and remediation practices.
Major subject: Biodiversity and Ecology (leading to specialisation in Botany or Zoology)
Specific admission requirements:
- Mathematics 5 AND Physical Sciences 4
BSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
This programme gives you the background knowledge to understand the functioning of any living organism at molecular level and lays the foundation for a career requiring knowledge and skills in molecular cell biology and biotechnology.
Major subjects: Combination of
Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics
Specific admission requirements:
- Mathematics 5 OR Mathematics 6 (depending on subject choice) AND Physical Sciences 4
BSc in Human Life Sciences
This programme provides the basis for understanding the functioning of the human body and mind, from molecular to systems level.
Focal area: Biology
Major subjects: Physiology in combination with Genetics, Anatomy, Biochemistry
Specific admission requirements:
- Mathematics 5 or Mathematics 6 (depending on subject choice) AND Physical Sciences 4
Focal area: Biology with Psychology
Major subjects: Combination of Physiology, Psychology, Genetics
Specific admission requirements:
- Mathematics 5 AND Physical Sciences 4
BSc in Sport Science
This programme studies body motion from the physiological and biomechanical perspectives.
Major subjects: Kinesiology and Physiology
Specific admission requirements:
- Mathematics 5 AND Physical Sciences 4