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BSc Human Life Sciences

The BSc Human Life Sciences programme offers two streams: namely the Biology stream; and the Biology with Psychology stream. 

The following High School subjects are necessary for admission into the two streams: 

​Specific Admission Requirements:​​
Stream 1: Biology
Stream 2: Biology with Psychology
Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language)
Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language)
Physical Sciences
Physical Sciences

Mathematics - If you will be taking Mathematics 114, 144 and Physics 114, 144

OR Mathematics - If you will be taking Mathematics (Bio) 124 and Physics (Bio) 134,154



Both streams can lead to an honours programme in Physiological Sciences. If you take applicable elective modules, stream 1 also leads to an honours programme in Anatomy, Biochemistry or Genetics. Stream 2 also leads to an honours programme in Genetics or Psychology. For more information have a look at the BScHons in Physiological Sciences​ programme below. 

​Course content
​​​​1st year​​
Stream 1: Biology​ (​140 credits)
Stream 2: Biology with Psychology ​ (​148 credits)
​Compulsory Modules:
​Compulsory Modules​:
​​​​​Biology - 124(16), 144(16), 154(16)
Chemistry - 124(16), 144(16)
Mathematics (Bio) - 124(16)
Physics (Bio) - 134(16), 154(16)
Science in Context - 178(12)​​​

OR Adapted Curriculum 3:

Biology - 124(16), 154(16)
Chemistry - 124(16), 144(16)
Mathematics - 114(16), 144(16)
Physics - 114(16), 144(16)
Science In Context - 178(12)
Biology - 124(16), 154(16)
Chemistry - 124(16), 144(16)
Mathematics (Bio) - 124(16)
Physics (Bio) - 134(16), 154(16)
Psychology - 114(12), 144(12)
Science in Context - 178(12) 
2nd year
Stream 1: Biology​ (​144 credits)
Stream 2: Biology with Psychology ​ (136 credits)
​Compulsory Modules (credits =112):
​Compulsory Modules: 
Biochemistry - 214(16), 244(16)
Biometry - 212(8), 242(8)
Genetics - 214(16), 244(16)
Physiology - 214(16), 244(16) 

plus Elective Modules (credits = 32)

Choose one of the following subjects:

You must take both modules of your chosen subject.

Anatomy 214(16) and 244(16) - A maximum of 30 students will be selected on merit for Anatomy 214 and 244. To be considered, you must obtain an average of 60% for the first year, with 60% for Biology 124 and 154, respectively. The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences may however decide not to select any students in a particular year. 

Microbiology - 214(16), 244(16)

​​Biochemistry - 214(16), 244(16)
Biometry - 212(8), 242(8)
Genetics - 214(16), 244(16)
Physiology - 214(16), 244(16)
Psychology - 213(8), 223(8), 243(8) 
3rd year 
Stream 1: Biology​ (​128 credits)​​
Stream 2: Biology with Psychology ​ (144 credits)
​Compulsory Modules (credits = 64): ​
​Compulsory Modules:
​Physiology - 314(16), 334(16), 344(16), 364(16) ​

plus Elective Modules (credits = 64)

Choose one of the following subject options:
Anatomy; or ​​Biochemistry and Bioinformatics; or Genetics.
You must take all the modules of your chosen subject option.

Anatomy - 314(16), 324(16), 344(16), 364(16)
Biochemistry - 315(16), 323(8), 345(16), 365(16) AND
Bioinformatics - 312(8)
Genetics - 314(16), 324(16), 344(16), 354(16)​
​Choose one of the following two options:

Option 1:​
Genetics - 314(16), 344(16)
Physiology - 314(16), 334(16), 344(16), 364(16)
Psychology - 314(12), 324(12), 348(24) or Science 48
Option 2:
Genetics - 314(16), 324(16), 344(16), 354(16)
Physiology - 314(16), 364(16)
Psychology - 314(12), 324(12), 348(24)

There are also two new streams available in the BSc programme with Physiology as major subject: 
  • Stream Applied Medicinal Chemistry
  • ​Stream Biomedical Mathematical Sciences

Please see the University Yearbook or the Faculty of Science homepage for more information.

BScHons in Physiological Sciences
​Programme Code 59803 – 778 (120 credits) 

Specific Admission Requirements: 

  • A BSc degree with Physiology 314, 334, 344 and 364 with an average final mark of at least 60% for the four modules. 
  • If you obtained a BSc degree with Physiology at third-year level from another university and obtained a final mark of at least 60%, your application will also be considered. In that case your marks achieved in Biochemistry courses at this same university will also be taken into consideration. 
  • Closing Date for Applications (Apply online at: http://www0.sun.ac.za/pgstudies/) by 31 October of the previous year and submit all supporting documents where applicable. 
  • For more information: Hons Physiology Information and overview for 2024.pdf 

Duration of Programme
The normal duration of the programme is one year, but under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the department, it is possible to repeat a module. The programme begins with the start of the academic year.

Course content
Compulsory Modules (credits = 90):
Subject NumberModule Code​Credits
Module Name
20 ​
​ ​Metabolism in Health and Disease
​​13235 772
Physiology and Pathophysiology
Research Project in Physiological Sciences
​Research Methodology in Physiological Sciences​
​Elective Modules (credits = 30):
Departmental staff will select modules to the value of 30 credits from the following list which will be offered in the particular year.​
10​Regenerative Physiology in Injury and Disease
10​​Signal Transduction in Physiology and Pathophysiology
Stress Physiology
780​10​Haematology and Coagulation

Assessment and Examination

This programme is assessed continuously. The final mark is calculated as a weighted mark according to the credit value of each module. To successfully obtain this honours degree, you must achieve a subminimum of 50% for each module.​​​

​For more information regading the BSc Honours programme:

Dr Danzil Joseph

E-Mail: danzilj@sun.ac.za
Tel: (021) 808 3154 ​​​​

MSc in Physiological Sciences

Programme Code

59803 – 878 (180 credits)

Programme Description

Independent research on an approved topic as determined by the supervisor(s) and leading to a thesis is required. See also Section 2.2 in the University Yearbook​for general information on the MSc degree at the Faculty of Science.

Programme Content

This programme consists of a 100% thesis.


Compulsory Module

Subject Number

Module Code


Module Name





Thesis: Physiological Sciences



Assessment and Examination

After completion of the research you must submit a thesis for examination to the satisfaction of the examiners and do an oral examination.​

PhD in Physiological Sciences

​​​Programme Code

59803 – 978 (360 credits)

Programme Description

A dissertation containing the results of your independent research is required. See also Section 2.3 in the Un​iversity Yearbook for general information on the PhD degree at the Faculty of Science.

​For more information regading the MSc and PhD programmes:

Prof Anna-Mart Engelbrecht​

E-Mail: ame@sun.ac.za
Tel: (021) 808 4573​
