Botany & Zoology
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Undergraduate Studies

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Undergraduate Study Guides

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Faculty of Science Yearbook

The Department of Botany & Zoology presents a large selection of modules as part of various programmes offered in the Faculty of Science.

The Programme in Biodiversity and Ecology aims to develop an understanding of the diversity, origin and function of organisms in relation to the environment. The three main streams of study are Functional Biology, Organismal and Environmental Biology, and Evolutionary Biology and our department presents modules in all of these streams. Only the Biology 111 and Biology 153 courses for Medicine first years are not included in the biodiversity and ecology program. Each module is organised by a member of staff, the course co-ordinator, whom you can consult on any aspect of that module. Teaching is by lectures, laboratory and field classes, seminars, tutorials and discussion groups. Regular attendance of these sessions is essential for the development of your knowledge in biology as well the development of your skills in experimentation, thinking and communicating your thoughts in writing and in discussion. You will also be expected to find information for yourself from books, periodicals and the Internet.

The Botany & Zoology department welcomes comments and suggestions about the modules, and your views are taken very seriously. During each of the modules, you will be given the opportunity to evaluate both the module and your lecturers, and we would like to encourage you to make use of these opportunities. All general inquiries can be directed our secretary, (telephone: 021 808 3236). To find out more about each of these modules, click on the study guide links for the relevant modules below

Undergraduate Study Guides​ / Modules

Programme in Biodiversity and Ecology:

1st Semester Modules​

BIO 124: Cell Biology​​ 

BDE 212: Biodiversity & Ecology

BDE 214: Principles of Ecology 

BDE 224: Biodiversity and Ecology

​BDE 311: Climate & Global Change Challenges​ 

BDE 315: Ecology Field Course​​

BDE 324: Angiosperm diversity​​​


2nd Semester Modules ​​

BIO 144: Biodiversity and Ecology

BIO 146: Principles of Biology​​​

BIO 154: Functional Biology​​

BDE 244: Principles of Evolution

BDE 254: Vertebrate life

BDE 264: Diversity of plant form and function

BDE 341: Climate & Global Change Solutions ​​

BDE 342: Intergrative Marine Science​ ​​

BDE 344: Evolutionary Ecology​​ 

BDE 354: Evolutionary Patterns and Processes
