Welcome to Stellenbosch University

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Faculty of Science attracts full-time and part-time postgraduate students from South Africa, Africa and abroad through formal international linkages and exchange programmes. 

Over 95% of our academic staff is in possession of a PhD or equivalent degree and about 70% of our scientists are acknowledged by the National Research Foundation as researchers of high international standing. This ensures that our postgraduate students participate in research teams that can compete with the best in the world and is one of the reasons why the Faculty appears within the top 300 universities in the category Natural Sciences of the QS World University Ranking list.

Research support and fundin​g

The Faculty has intro​​duced a number of interventions to support postgraduate students, such as an annual research orientation workshop and a supervisor-postgraduate student service agreement to guide the joint responsibilities with respect to the completion of an MSc or PhD degree.

We offer an incentive programme for PhD students studying in one of the eight Departments of the Faculty of Science who complete their studies within three years (thus in the Departments of  Biochemistry,  Botany and Zoology, Chemistry and Polymer Science, Earth Science, Mathematical Sciences, Microbiology, Physics, Physiological Sciences). A limited number of bursaries for new masters and doctoral students are also available. 

For more information on all funding and support services available for postgraduate students, click here.

Postgraduate research and study in the Faculty of Science are supported by modern equipment that is, among others, generally part of the Central Analytical Facility (CAF), as well as by highly qualified and experienced staff.

Our research work is strengthened by extensive financial support from the industrial sectors and other organisations. This empowers our research authorities and departments to play a leading role regarding basic and applied sciences in the international field. It also enables the Faculty to support South African and international postgraduate students.​