Tygerberg International
Uitwaartse Mobiliteit
Studente- en personeelmobiliteit verwys na wanneer studente en personeel vir ’n gedeelte óf die volle duur van hulle onderwys en opleiding by ’n akademiese instelling buite Suid-Afrika inskryf en deel is van ’n internasionale ervaring waaraan die Universiteit Stellenbosch intrinsieke waarde heg.
Om vir ’n studentemobiliteitsprogram in aanmerking te kom, moet jy:
- vir ’n volledige graadprogram by die US geregistreer wees, en moet jou registrasie ná jou terugkeer voortduur;
- ten volle opbetaal wees met jou US-studiegeld;
- ’n totale gemiddelde van 60% hê;
- die skriftelike goedkeuring van jou akademiese departemente en studieleiers hê;
- indien jy ’n uitruilstudent is, ’n leerooreenkoms met jou akademiese departement en studieleier aangaan;
- ’n curriculum vitae indien;
- ’n motiveringsbrief indien;
- jou akademiese rekord indien; en
- ’n akademiese getuigskrif indien.
Besoekende navorsers (van toepassing indien finansiering beskikbaar is)
Reëlings vir besoekende navorsers en akademiese personeel behels:
- ’n benoeming van die besoekende navorser deur die tuisinstelling aan die beoogde gasheerinstelling, wat besonderhede van die voorgestelde tyd en tydsduur van die navorser of personeellid se aanstelling insluit;
- goedkeuring en aanvaarding deur die gasheerinstelling;
- aanwysing van ’n amptelike personeellid/medewerker by die gasheerinstelling om die besoeker te help inskakel;
- ’n ooreenkoms tussen die twee instellings oor die presiese tyd en tydsduur van die besoekende navorser of personeellid se aanstelling; en
- in geval van akademiese personeel, ’n aansoek om moontlike finansiering uit die internasionale samewerking- en mobiliteitstoekenning.
Die volgende uitwaartse mobiliteitsprogramme is beskikbaar:
Keusemodules aan die Universiteit van Antwerpen 2024
Oop vir: MBChB-vierdejaars en -vyfdejaars

Dien die volgende dokumente in:
- Curriculum vitae
- Motivering
- Transkripte
- Aanduiding van tydperk
- Dissipline
Rig enige navrae aan mnr Dimitri Geelhand de Merxem by Dimitri.GeelhanddeMerxem@uantwerpen.be.
FGGW-studente se ervaring van internasionale uitwaartse mobiliteit
Internasionale reisbeurs
Before starting my elective, I thought the healthcare system in America would be much better than in South Africa and possibly without flaws. Throughout my time I came to know that access to healthcare is also limited among people in lower socio-economic classes as well as in the rural areas. They use a lot of the same theatre equipment as I have seen in South Africa. They have a lot more staff around to lighten the load including physician assistants, anaesthesia nurses etc. Even with the additional staff the doctors and nurses are still overworked, suffering from burnout and struggle to have a healthy work-life balance. They are however much less resource limited and can be quite wasteful in my opinion. This experience has made me realise that the grass is not always greener on the other side and that we are not alone in the problems we face in the South African healthcare system. I would definitely consider this as a valuable learning experience. I am very grateful for the opportunity I got to experience the healthcare system on the other side of the globe. I got to broaden my clinical knowledge and skills while also stepping outside of my comfort zone and work on my adaptability and communication skills. It gave me a better understanding of global healthcare and the challenges faced in other countries. This experience also had a positive impact on my personal growth, cultural awareness and global perspective which are all very important in the world becoming more and more connected every day.
Lindi Blomerus, United States of America
SU international travel bursary afforded me an opportunity to leave the South African borders for the very first time and be able to learn more medical skills in a different setting. For my elective, I travelled to Walvis Bay State hospital in Namibia and my elective was in family medicine. My main reason for leaving the country was to see and learn from the health care system of a different country, there were many limitations, but I learnt a lot and have become a better professional through this experience. This was my very first time outside South Africa and I believe being in a hospital that is not academic was not the best decision. I had to orientate myself, figure out how most things work and create a learning environment on my own. Being a scholar was tested in all ways possible and knowledge gaps were highlighted mostly in the academic meetings as all questions directed to the student were basically directed to me. More than anything, the importance of patient education was highlighted, I noticed how majority of the hospital and clinic visitations and admissions could be minimized if patient knew better. Most patients were unaware of their diagnosis and their treatment, I realized that some doctors would just listen to the patients’ complaint and examine them and just make notes of the management without explaining any of their findings. This meant the larger population were just being medically treated but were unaware of their health condition and therefore not playing a part in their own health. I intend on staying in rural medicine for the rest of my career as I believe the burden of health can be reduced just by educating the general population more. With both my rotations I experienced how patients appreciate counselling and reassurance from a health care provider. To reduce the patient to doctor ratio to a much more bearable number, we as practitioners will have to involve patients in their own healthcare. Health advocacy will bring a change in the health of African countries. I am grateful to have had this opportunity and it has impacted my life and my career. This opportunity has ignited the zeal to help our communities in all ways I possibly can.
Khaahule Radzilani, Namibia
Regarding the feedback on the travel bursary; The money I received from the bursary helped me in so many aspects. It covered my flights to and from Tanzania as well as my accommodation in Zanzibar. It also covered some of the hospital fee I paid at Mnazi MMoja being 400 US dollars. I would not have been able to have covered any of these costs without this aid. It was such a privilege to have been granted it. I had an unforgettable experience in Zanzibar and got to experience how medicine works in countries with very little resources and facilities. Many thanks to the international travel fund for allowing me to experience all I did.
Eden Grosel, Zanzibar
Overall I had a really great experience at Charing Cross Hospital, London . I really want to express a huge gratitude to Stellenbosch University International travel bursary department for providing me with the travel bursary and helping make this trip possible. Over the course of these 4 weeks I learnt some incredible skills, observed some fascinating surgeries and got to know doctors that really have a passion for surgery. I enjoyed being in a foreign country and seeing how medicine works outside of South Africa. I got to spend time in the clinics, theatres and A&E and all 3 posed different learning opportunities. I really enjoyed spending time in theatre with my supervisor, Mr Grant, who taught me so much and invested so much of his time in me. I also really enjoyed watching the ear surgeries that were very fine and extremely detailed. I am incredibly grateful that I got to experience this elective and have definitely learnt a lot that will only benefit me for my future as a doctor. Thank you, once again for granting me this bursary and I can definitely say that this experience was worthwhile.
Matteo Greyling, London