Commuter Student Communities
Welcome to the Commuter Student Communities (CSC) information page. For more information and the contact details for your specific CSC, please visit the CSC pages under the Unit for Commuter Student Communities dropdown menu or click on the CSC logos below.
What are Commuter Student Communities?
Commuter Student Communities (CSCs) is an organisational structure that supports commuter students living in private accommodation that attend Stellenbosch University (SU). These communities are administered through the Centre for Student Life and Learning, within the Division Student Affairs (DSAf), and led by elected student leaders, in collaboration with CSC Coordinators who manages the CSC Unit. Each CSC coordinates the orientation of new students and offers access to sporting, cultural and social activities, and leadership development opportunities. Through their CSC, newcomers are also allocated to a peer mentor.
SU believes the aforementioned structure helps deliver well-rounded graduates to society, post-graduation. Please note that a CSC does not offer accommodation to students. If you choose not to apply for residence or do not receive residence placement, it is your responsibility to arrange your own private accommodation. In this case, you will become part of a CSC.
Why do we use CSCs at Stellenbosch University?
One of Stellenbosch University's key focus areas for student development is the co-curricular and the out-of-class experience. The CSCs are positioned in order to fulfil this need and to give students the opportunity to experience a wholesome and diverse University experience. All students who do not make use of the university's residence accommodation are automatically members of a CSC, this is approximately 75% of SU students. These students are divided into different commuter student communities (CSCs) which provide them with all the opportunities for successful social and academic integration on campus. Stellenbosch University utilises this structure to provide our Maties with support and opportunities for growth and development in the co-curricular environment. This allows our graduates to leave SU as well-rounded individuals who, because of their diverse university experience, are better positioned as attractive graduates in the job market.
What CSC will I be in?
You will be randomly allocated to one of the eleven CSC wards, as per the
Stellenbosch University Placement Policy. Each CSC offers the same quality of academic and social support and will also allow you access to the facilities offered through each cluster. As a Matie you will take part in various activities through your CSC and cluster and will also, depending on your academic faculty, be allocated into academic tutorial groups as per your cluster. Students are not permitted to change CSCs. Your allocation remains for the duration of your University journey. Should you unofficially change CSCs, you will not have access to any of the facilities, activities and leadership opportunities/roles linked to the CSC. It is therefore highly recommended that you stay within your allocated CSC in order to gain the most out of your university journey and not reach a point later on in your time at SU where you cannot take on the opportunities offered through the CSC structure.
How does my Cluster fit into this?
A cluster is made up of several residences and CSCs that are geographically close to one another. Clusters play a significant role in the integration and support of new students on campus and ensure that students experience the University as a caring and nurturing place. They also integrate the university experience of residence students, day students, and students in private accommodation. Clusters also ensure that the facilities between the CSC and Residence students are shared.
CSC Fees
Please note that all CSC Students, as defined in the
Student Fees (Yearbook, part 3), pay CSC Fees. Please refer to page 25 and paragraph 6.6 for more clarity on CSC Fees.
Is it a council decision that all students not living in University residence, barring those exemptions mentioned in paragraph 6.6, pay CSC fees until the end of their honours year. As indicated above, CSC members have access to many out-of-class facilities and activities offered through their CSCs that are strongly encouraged. It is Stellenbosch University's intention that students take part in Residence or CSC activities besides their academics in order to leave SU as well-rounded graduates. This is one of SU's intended graduate attributes, with the CSC and residence structures serving as vehicles used to attain this attribute.
By being allocated a CSC, students can book meals and dine in the open residence dining halls in their clusters. If a student is not in contact with their CSC for whatever reason, the student should contact the CSC Unit to facilitate the relevant contact.
The Commuter Student Community Unit
Commuter Student Communities Unit (CSCU-Managed by Jethro Georgiades) is one of five units within the
Centre for Student Life and Learning (CSLL-Managed by Pieter Kloppers), which forms a part of the
Division Student Affairs (DSAf) at Stellenbosch University. DSAf is led by the Acting Senior Director, Dr Leslie van Rooi.
The Commuter Student Communities Unit was established to ensure that all students at SU are welcomed, oriented and integrated into the SU Campus-Life Ecosystem. The Unit manages the eleven undergraduate CSCs as well as the three senior CSCs. The communities are designed to integrate commuter students into campus life, ensure access to support services and to expose students to developmental opportunities that are guided by the SU Graduate Attributes and the transformative student experience. The unit consists of a number of dedicated staff members who are assisted by student Assistants and the Vice-Chairperson Prim Committee. Collectively, the CSCU oversees the management of elected student leaders (Prims, Vice-Prims, House Committee members and Mentors) of the communities on the Stellenbosch and Tygerberg SU Campuses.
Meet the CSCU Team

Jethro Georgiades
Manager: Commuter Student Communities Unit (CSCU)
Gené van Wyk
CSC Coordinator
Nyakallo Leotlela
Acting CSC Coordinator
Maxine Golding
.Net Assistant
Zahn Marais
Prim Committee: Vice-Chairperson
Angelique Daniels
Community Coordinator Tygerberg
Resources and Announcements
Please find below 2025 resources for the
CSC communities and .Net communities (postgraduate communities)
Location and Contact Information
The CSCU is located within the Centre for Student Life and Learning (CSLL). You can contact us via the contact information below, or find us at the location also listed below.
Email Address: or
Phone No: +27 21 808 3064
Location: 11 Bosman St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600