The overall point of departure of the CSCD is based on the internationally recognised Wellness approach, which is currently applied at more than 70% of the American institutions of higher education.
Our programme, which focuses mostly on first-year students, is known as the ALFA-Programme (Academic Guidance and Facilitation for Adjustment).
Our programme, which focuses primarily on rounding off the period of study (in other words, mainly aimed at senior students), is known as the OMEGA-programme (Development Mechanisms for rounding off Degrees effectively). The aim is to help students to prepare maximally for the realities, demands and challenges of the occupational world. The services of the Careers Office support the aims of the OMEGA Programme.
The personnel of the CSCD work very hard to ensure that the centre remains up to date, dynamic and at the cutting edge of developments. All services are offered by registered practitioners, and strict confidentiality is guaranteed.
Den Bosch Lecture Venue
To book for the Den Bosch Lecture Venue please click here for more information. Click directions to find a map to Den Bosch.
The objectives of CSCD
The broad objectives of the centre are to:
- render a scientifically responsible psychological service that is up to date, student-centred and dynamic to all registered students;
- focus on optimising existing potential, counselling (including career development), preventing problems and providing psychotherapeutic assistance;
- train and undertake supervision to intern psychologists in accordance with the prescriptions of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), and in accordance with recognised scientific standards/strategies;
- act as consultants for university committees and the academic staff;
- initiate, conduct and publish relevant and pertinent research; and
- acquire national and international recognition.
The functions of CSCD
The six objectives above are realised by means of the following seven functions:
- Present developmental and counselling programmes that would lead to optimising the existing potential of students and empower them to confront contemporary challenges and problems successfully on their own
- Provide information and guidance regarding effective career development, choices and entrance to such a career
- Provide confidential psychotherapeutic services
- Provide an office for students with special learning needs
- Make a confidential 24-hour crisis service available
- Provide consultation services to university committees and academic personnel and
- Initiate, conduct, and publish research related to the main functions of the centre.
All the information clients give to our staff is treated with the strictest confidence. This means that no one will know that you are utilising the therapeutic services at the CSCD, unless you tell him or her. This includes your parents, the management of the university, your friends or the faculty.
Our therapists are all registered as psychologists with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), and absolute confidentiality is required of them. Only in very exceptional cases, in which the life of our client or someone else is in danger, are we obliged to breach confidentiality. In such cases, we first try to discuss the situation with clients before proceeding.
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