Center for Student Counseling & Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Consultation & Work Sessions


Unit for Graduand Career Services offers students sessions on CV writing, cover letters and interview skills so they can be better prepared for entering the world of work. Sessions are offered in bigger manageable groups of 15 to 30, in smaller groups of five for closer engagement, and when the need arises, individually. Should you wish to enrol for sessions, please click MatiesCareers.​

To ensure a more direct and individualised approach in the small group sessions and one-on-ones, students are urged to e-mail their draft CVs or Cover Letters at least three days before the session so that the facilitator can adapt the session to the personal needs of the attendees.

Please email your CV to Thobeka Msi at

Course fees and payment procedure


Although there is no cost involved for these work sessions, it is of absolute importance that students must register for the respective work session(s) at the Unit for Graduand Career Services, 43 Victoria Street. Registration for the worksessions open Monday 18 January 2019.


Should you require more information about the session, please contact Delisha van Neel at 021-808 3568

Please email your draft CV to: