We treat the information that students and staff provide to the Centre
for Student Counselling and Development with the utmost respect and
confidentiality. The Centre is guided by the principles of ethical practice as
stipulated by the Health Professions Council of South Africa and the South
African Council for Social Services Professions. The Centre is further guided by the Constitution of the Republic of
South Africa; the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974; the Protection of
Harassment Act 17 of 2011; and the Code of Good Practice on Handling Sexual
Harassment Cases in the Workplace, 2005.
Record-keeping and third-party requests
Client records are confidential and stored on HealthOne, an electronic,
password-protected database. All records are kept for five years and destroyed
thereafter. Access to client information is allowed only with the client’s
written consent. Should a client grant consent to access records to a third party, the
third party must inform the client of their intent to request information from
the CSCD and ensure that the client is aware of its communication and
relationship with the Centre. If a client refuses consent, no information will
be shared.
Click HERE to read the Terms and Conditions document.