Institutions that have an ethos of excellence share the distinguishing characteristic that they offer various levels and forms of recognition for excellent performance. Stellenbosch University (SU) is currently doing this through the following processes:
Institutional award for excellence in teaching
In the report of the Task Team for the Promotion and Recognition of Teaching, which was adopted by Senate in June 2015, it is recommended that more be done to recognise teaching excellence at institutional level at SU. The suggested vehicle for such recognition of teaching excellence is "a number of dedicated internal institutional awards that specifically acknowledge teaching achievements, with the HELTASA awards as an important point of reference." In response to this recommendation a document was compiled suggesting a plan for the implementation of an institutional award focusing exclusively on excellence in teaching in 2017.
Please visit the following page for information: click here
The very distinguished Chancellor's award
This award focuses on sustained excellence in research, learning and teaching, or in community interaction (or more than one of these three areas). Candidates are nominated by deans and heads of responsibility centres (RCs). The submissions need to be supported by an appropriate motivation that sets out the nominee's achievements, as well as by a portfolio that gives a clear indication of the nominee's contributions and outputs.
First-Year Achievement Awards
The First-Year Achievement Awards aims to recognise lecturers who had a positive influence on the academic experience of first-year students.
Visit the First-Year Achievement Awards page to see which lecturers have won the award during previous years.
Participation in the National HELTASA award of Teaching Excellence
These awards are an opportunity to value the reflective, contextually aware teaching that happens across our diverse sector. Candidates (individuals or teams), are nominated in one of two categories, are nominated by their institutions and have to prepare a comprehensive portfolio.
More information on this award can be found on the
awards page of the HELTASA website.
We are very proud of the following winners from Stellenbosch University. We encourage you to have conversations with them about best teaching practice.
*Please contact us if the information below is incomplete.