Centre for Teaching and Learning
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CTL research


Academic Development
  • ADENDORFF HJ, REWITZKY IM, ROOTMAN-LE GRANGE I. A care-full approach to professional development in a science context. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 189-207.
  • SWART-JANSEN VAN VUUREN C, HERMAN N, ADENDORFF HJ. Professional educational development of early career academics: Are we offering them what they need?. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 77-99.
  • SKEAD M. Imperfect erasure: How does it feel to be an academic developer?. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 45-57.
  • VAN DER MERWE C. Journeys of being and becoming academic developers at Stellenbosch University. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 59-75
  • WOLFF KE. Enabling Access To Scholarly Engineering Education Practices. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 209-228.
  • YOUNG G. Introduction: Opening the academic development space. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 1-17.
  • CATTELL-HOLDEN K, ADENDORFF HJ, HERMAN N, SWART-JANSEN VAN VUUREN C, VAN DER MERWE C. Invitations from change: A view from professional academic developers. In: STRYDOM SC, HERMAN N, ADENDORFF HJ, DE KLERK M (eds.) Responding to the necessity for change: HE voices from the South during the COVID-19 crisis, Online, South Africa, 2020: 91-99.
  • HERMAN N, BITZER EM, LEIBOWITZ B. Professional learning for teaching at a research-intensive university: The need for a "care-full" environment. South African Journal of Higher Education 2018; 32(6):99-116.
  • HERMAN N. Counting and countering the opportunity cost of professional learning: a 'care-full' approach. In: FRICK BL, TRAFFORD VN, FOURIE-MALHERBE M (eds.) Being Scholarly: Festschrift in honour of the work of Eli M Bitzer, SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2016: 53-61.
  • HERMAN N. The role of context in the decision-making of lecturers for participating in professional learning for teaching at a research-led university. PhD, 2015. 270 pp. Promotor: BITZER EM. Medepromotor: Leibowitz B.
Academic Literacies
  • JACOBS AHM. Can a professional development programme enhance the work of a teaching and learning centre?. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 101-111.
Additional Research
  • JACOBS AHM, GOVENDER, R & N MALEBO. 2024. (Un)Conferencing Methodology as a Cultural Disrupter in Higher Education: Reflections on Promoting Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equitable spaces. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning Special Issue.https://doi.org/10.14426/cristal.v12iSI1.2082
  • HERMAN N, VAN DER MERWE AD. "We have wind in our sails": Enablers that moved teaching and learning towards the centre of what is valued at Stellenbosch University. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 19-43.
  • JACOBS AHM. Mutual vulnerability: An important part of a humanising pedagogy during troubled times. In: STRYDOM SC, HERMAN N, ADENDORFF HJ, DE KLERK M (eds.) Responding to the necessity for change. HE voices from the South during the COVID-19 crisis, Online, , 2020: 32-38.
  • BRISEÑO-GARZÓN A, CATTELL-HOLDEN K, FREEMAN HL, MILLER J, REINHARDT A. Fostering a culture of innovation in teaching and learning in research-intensive universities: Implications for academic developers. ETH Learning and Teaching Journal 2020; 2(2):474-478.
  • WINBERG C, ADENDORFF HJ, BOZALEK V, CONANA H, PALLITT N, WOLFF KE, OLSSON T, ROXÅ T. Learning to teach STEM disciplines in higher education: a critical review of the literature. TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2019; 24(8):930-947.
  • WINBERG C, WRIGHT JL, WOLFF KE, BOZALEK V, CONANA H, PALLITT N, ADENDORFF HJ. Critical Interdisciplinary Dialogues: Towards a Pedagogy of Well-Being in Stem Disciplines and Fields. South African Journal of Higher Education 2018; 32(6):270-287.
  • JACOBS C. Mapping the Terrains of ICLHE: a View from the South. In: Wilkinson R, Walsh ML (eds.) Integrating Content in Language in Higher Education: From Theory to Practice (Selected Papers from the 2013 ICLHE Conference), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Peter Lang 2015: 21-38.
  • COSTANDIUS E, BLACKIE MAL, LEIBOWITZ BL, NELL IA, MALGAS RR, ROSOCHACKI SO, YOUNG G. Stumbling over the first hurdle? Exploring notions of critical citizenship at Stellenbosch University. In: Davies M, Barnett R (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education, Palgrave Macmillan, London, United Kingdom, 2015: 545-558.
  • DE VILLIERS MR, CILLIERS F, COETZEE JF, HERMAN N, VAN HEUSDEN M, VON PRESSENTIN KB. Equipping family physician trainees as teachers : a qualitative evaluation of a twelve-week module on teaching and learning. BMC Medical Education 2014; 14(228):biomedcntral.com/1472-6920/14/228.
  • JACOBS C. Methodological Meditations on Producing Rich Narrative Data. In Theory and Method in Higher Education Research II, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, United Kingdom, 2014: 63- 81.
  • BOZALEK V, CAROLISSEN R, LEIBOWITZ B. A pedagogy of critical hope in South African higher education. In Discerning Critical Hope in Educational Practices, Routledge, New York, USA, 2014: 40- 54.
  • JACOBS AHM, BARENDS Z & LEBETHE A. 2023. Portfolios as assessment for learning: a case study of pre-service foundation phase teacher education students. South African Journal of Higher Education 37(2):40-59.
  • MCKAY MA. Guiding information-finding missiles: A reflection on adapting assessments to maximise student learning in the online environment. In: Govender R, JACOBS AHM (eds.) Critical Reflections on Professional Learning during Covid-19: Context, Practice and Change, HELTASA, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2022: 308-319.
  • DULLAART GG, UNGER M, SCHMUTZ AMS, DE LANGE S, LUPTON-SMITH AR, ARNOLD SL, KELLERMANN TA, KITSHOFF D. Practical and clinical assessment during lockdown: Reflections on business unusual. In: STRYDOM SC, HERMAN N, ADENDORFF HJ, DE KLERK M (eds.) Responding to the necessity for change HE voices from the South during the COVID-19 crisis, Stellenbosch University: Division for Learning & Teaching Enhancement, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 82-90.
  • GILMORE J, WOLFF KE, BLADERGROEN MC. The night before the test: Electrical engineering students' use of online resources to prepare for assessment. SASEE Proceedings of the 4th Biennal Conference of the South African Society of Engineering Education, Cape Town, South Africa, SASEE 2017: 82-93.
Collaborative TLA
  • LEIBOWITZ B, BOZALEK V, FARMER JL, GARRAWAY JW, HERMAN N, JAWITZ J, MCMILLAN W, MISTRI G, NDEBELE C, NKONKI V, QUINN L, VAN SCHALKWYK SC, VORSTER J, WINBERG C. Collaborative Research in Contexts of Inequality: The Role of Social Reflexivity. Higher Education 2017; 74(1):56-80.
  • WINBERG C, JACOBS C, WOLFF KE. Building Knowledge and Knowers in Writing Retreats: Towards Developing the Field of Higher Education Teaching and Learning. South African Journal of Higher Education 2017; 31(2):22-39.
Curriculum/Programme design and renewal
  • YOUNG G, JACOBS C. Legitimate participation in programme renewal - The role of academic development units. In: Winberg C, McKenna S, Wilmot K (eds.) Building Knowledge in Higher Education: Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Legitimation Code Theory, Routledge, London, United Kingdom, 2021: 220-236.
  • ADENDORFF HJ, HERMAN N. Building Bridges: Why we need frameworks to map uncertain journeys. In: STRYDOM SC, HERMAN N, ADENDORFF HJ, DE KLERK M (eds.) Responding to the necessity for change. Higher Education voices from the South during the COVID-19 crisis, Online available, , 2020: 47-54.
  • WINBERG C, WINBERG S, JACOBS C, GARRAWAY JW, ENGEL-HILLS PC. 'I take engineering with me': epistemological transitions across an engineering curriculum. TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2016; 21(4):398-414.
  • ADENDORFF HJ, BLACKIE MAL. Decolonization and science education: What is at stake?. In: Hlatshwayo MN, ADENDORFF HJ, BLACKIE MAL, FATAAR MA, Maluleka P (eds.) Decolonising Knowledge and Knowers: Struggles for University Transformation in South Africa, Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom, 2022: 83-102.
  • BLACKIE MAL, ADENDORFF HJ. A decolonial science education: How do we move forward?. In: Hlatshwayo MN, ADENDORFF HJ, BLACKIE MAL, FATAAR MA, Maluleka P (eds.) Decolonising Knowledge and Knowers: Struggles for University Transformation in South Africa, Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom, 2022: 103-120.
  • FATAAR MA. Pursuing decolonial knowledge-building in South African higher education. In: Hlatshwayo MN, ADENDORFF HJ, BLACKIE MAL, FATAAR MA, Maluleka P (eds.) Decolonising Knowledge and Knowers: Struggles for University Transformation in South Africa, Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom, 2022: 11-26.
  • HLATSHWAYO MN, ADENDORFF HJ, BLACKIE MAL, FATAAR MA, MALULEKA P. Introducing decolonising knowledge and knowers. In: Hlatshwayo MN, ADENDORFF HJ, BLACKIE MAL, FATAAR MA, Maluleka P (eds.) Decolonising Knowledge and Knowers: Struggles for University Transformation in South Africa, Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom, 2022: 1-10.
  • FARMER JL. Decolonial opportunities: Third spaces as a deconstructive site of learning for teachers at @CTL@SU. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 155-169.
  • ADENDORFF HJ, BLACKIE MAL. Decolonizing the science curriculum - When good intentions are not enough. In: Winberg C, McKenna S, Wilmot K (eds.) Building Knowledge in Higher Education: Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Legitimation Code Theory, Routledge, London, United Kingdom, 2021: 237-254.
Educational Leadership
  • HERMAN, N. & BOSMAN, J.P. 2023. The Scholarship of Educational Leadership: a case study of developing leadership of teaching, learning and assessment in a university context. EDULEARN23 Proceedings, 1671-1680. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2023
Graduate Attributes
  • DULLAART AGG. Graduate Attributes: Passe out of the Impasse. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 131-153.
  • JACOBS C, STRYDOM S. From 'Matie' to citizen - graduate attributes as signature learning at Stellenbosch University. The Independent journal of teaching and learning 2014; 9 : 63-75.
Institutional Research
  • JACOBS AHM. Using a Theoretical Framework of Institutional Culture to Analyse an Institutional Strategy Document. Education As Change 2016; 20(2):204-220.
​​​​​​​​​ Reflectio​​n
  • GOVENDER R & JACOBS AHM. Critical Reflections on professional learning during Covid-19: Context, practice and change. HELTASA. 2022.  https://doi.org/10.51415/DUT.48
  • HERMAN N, JOSE M, KATIYA M, KEMP M, LE ROUX N, SWART-JANSEN VAN VUUREN C,VAN DER MERWE C. 'Entering the world of academia is like starting a new life': a trio of reflections from Health Professionals joining academia as second career academics. International Journal for Academic Development 2021; 26(1):69-81. 
  • VAN SCHALKWYK SC, LEIBOWITZ BL, HERMAN N, FARMER JL. Reflections on professional learning: Choices, context and culture. Studies in Educational Evaluation 2015; 46:4-10. 
Reward & Recognition
  • CATTELL-HOLDEN K. “Enlarging the space of the possible": Re-conceptualising teaching excellence awards for the public good. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 171-188.
  • JACOBS AHM. Values, Institutional Culture and Recognition of Prior Learning. South African Journal of Higher Education 2018; 32(4):96-108.
(Student) Feedback
  • PETERSEN M, BITZER EM, VAN SCHALKWYK SC. Navigating a midway between using student feedback for evaluation and enhancing teaching practice at Stellenbosch University as a research-intensive university. In: YOUNG G (ed.) Academic Development and its Practitioners: A View from the Inside, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2022: 113-129.
  • WINBERG C, BOZALEK V, CATTELL K. An Inter-Institutional Postgraduate Diploma for University Teachers: Exploring Formative Feedback Data from the Position of Socially Just Pedagogies. Journal for New Generation Sciences 2016; 14(3):144-161.
  • MUBUUKE AG, LEIBOWITZ BL. The use of a structured formative feedback form for students' assignments in an African health sciences institution: an action research study. The South African Radiographer 2014; 52(1) : 13-17.
​​ TLA Transformation
  • DULLAART, G., COETSEE, Y., FARMER, J.L., FELDMAN, J., JOORST, J., LOOTS, R., MCKAY, M., & NTWASA, S. 2023. 'Challenges of transforming curricula: Reflections by an interdisciplinary Community of Practice'. Transformation in Higher Education 8(0), a301. https://doi. Org/10.4102/the.v8i0.301
  • JACOBS AHM. Transformative pedagogies in teaching, learning and assessment (TLA) during the Covid19 crisis. In: Govender R, JACOBS AHM (eds.) Critical Reflections on Professional Learning during Covid-19: Context, Practice and Change, HELTASA, Durban, South Africa, 2022: 23-37.
  • JACOBS C. Opening up The Curriculum: Moving from The Normative to The Transformative in Teachers' Understandings of Disciplinary Literacy Practices. In: Lillis T, Harrington K, Lea MR, Mitchell S (eds.) Working with Academic Literacies - Case studies towards transformative practice, Parlour Press and WAC Clearinghouse, South Carolina and Colorado, USA, 2015: 131-141.​