Medicine and Health Sciences
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Chancellor’s Award honours Prof Blaauw’s 40-years of excellence in Dietetics’s Award honours Prof Blaauw’s 40-years of excellence in DieteticsFMHS Marketing & Communications – Tyrone AugustProfessor Prof Renée Blaauw is the recipient of the prestigious Chancellor’s Award for 2024. It is a fitting acknowledgement of her multiple contributions to the field of Dietetics over close to four decades.
SU-UK partnership to strengthen surveillance of respiratory diseases in SA and UK partnership to strengthen surveillance of respiratory diseases in SA and UKCentre for Epidemic Response and InnovationA North-South partnership between the Genomic Surveillance Unit and CERI has received approximately R8,7 million in funding under the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office’s UK-SA Health System Strengthening Partnership.
Prof Essop recognised for transformative teaching and visionary leadership Essop recognised for transformative teaching and visionary leadershipCorporate Communications and Marketing (Hannelie Booyens)Prof Faadiel Essop is the recipient of the prestigious 2024 Teaching Advancement at Universities (TAU) Fellows Award.
DNA test could help detect cervical cancer earlier test could help detect cervical cancer earlierCorporate Communication and Marketing/Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en Bemarking [Alec Basson]The DNA methylation marker test targets changes in the DNA that happen earlier in the disease allowing it to detect clinically significant HPV-associated cervical abnormalities that are more likely to progress to cancer.
Leading TB researcher Prof Marakalala appointed as TB Research Centre director TB researcher Prof Marakalala appointed as TB Research Centre directorFMHS Marketing & CommunicationsThe SAMRC and Stellenbosch University are pleased to announce the appointment of Associate Professor Mohlopheni Jackson Marakalala as Unit Director of the SU/SAMRC Centre for Tuberculosis Research.
World Cancer Day: Key cancer-related topics under the spotlight Cancer Day: Key cancer-related topics under the spotlight Corporate Communication and Marketing/Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en BemarkingWorld Cancer Day is on 4 February. SU experts focus on personalised cancer care with artificial intelligence, pseudoscience in online cancer news, better treatment for ovarian cancer, and the toxic triangle of stress, obesity and cancer.
Prof Vernon Louw returns to alma mater as head of Medicine Vernon Louw returns to alma mater as head of MedicineFMHS Marketing & Communications – Tyrone AugustProf Vernon Louw’s career has taken him to many different places since he graduated with a MBChB summa cum laude from Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) in 1994.
Prof Baatjes turns birthday celebration into student bursary drive Baatjes turns birthday celebration into student bursary driveFMHS Marketing & CommunicationsProf Karin Baatjes' annual Birthday for Bursaries (B4B) campaign, launched each year around her birthday on 31 January, brings together the FMHS community for a worthy cause.
A showcase of rare talent for rare diseases showcase of rare talent for rare diseasesCorporate Communication and Marketing/Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en Bemarking [Anel Lewis]To raise funds and awareness for rare disease patients, Stellenbosch University’s Rare Disease Genomics Research Group is holding an online auction of original artworks. And the artist is the registrar for medical genetics.
SU among world’s best in law, health and education among world’s best in law, health and education Corporate Communication and Marketing/Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en BemarkingStellenbosch University once again counts among the best universities in the world in Law, Medical and Health, Education Studies, Arts and Social Sciences according to the 2025 Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject.