Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ultrasound Unit - Research
In order to optimize care for women in our area, our research is focused on common obstetric and gynaecological conditions for which ultrasound assessment may improve management.
Focus areas of our research:
The impact of a routine obstetric ultrasound service in the community.
Cervical changes in pregnancy and their prediction of preterm labour in low risk, high risk and symptomatic patients.
Prediction of fetal distress in women with severe preeclamspia remote form term.
Predicting mode of delivery in postterm pregnancies.
Predicting mode of delivery after induction of labour.
Establishing local reference values for fetal biometry and uterine artery bloodflow.
Establishing the place and circumstances around pregnancy diagnosis in our local population.
Nasal bone visualisation: impact of ethnicity and image quality.
Uterine and fetoplacental Dopplers at 24 weeks in high risk women: predicting recurrence of poor placentation complications.
Endometrial abnormalities on progestagen-only injectables.
Completeness of removal of products of conception after manual vacuum aspiration.