​Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Ultrasound Unit - Training


The unit is manned by experienced personnel on a full-time basis and trainees are always supervised. The unit is an affiliated training centre for the Jefferson Institute (USA) and accredited by the Fetal Medicine Foundation (UK) for first trimester screening.

We train:

  • Sonographers (2 year course, intake approx. 4 per year)

  • Registrar O&G (2 rotations of 6 weeks each)

  • Registrar Radiology (single rotation of 2 months)

We offer courses in basic obstetric scanning for medical practitioners from private practice or secondary hospitals several times a year. The course consists of a structured theoretical course with written hand-out notes and intensive hands-on training. The training can be complemented on a voluntary basis by home-based practice with logbook assessment, structured feedback and periodical practical review.

In addition, we offer several short, more advanced courses in ultrasound nationally, including first trimester scanning, fetal echocardiology and update in fetal medicine.