​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Department of Psychiatry


Clinical Psychologists - Stikland Hospital

Melany L Hendricks

BA, HDE, Hon Psychology, MA Clinical Psychology, MPhil-Applied Ethics, LLB

Tel: 021 940 4451

Fax: 021 940 4443

Melany Hendricks is the Head of Clinical Psychology at Stikland Hospital, a principal clinical psychologist, and a senior lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry. She has a special interest in biomedical ethics and psycho-legal practice.​

Zanele Ludziya​​

BSS, BA Hons (Drama and Performance Studies), MA Clinical Psychology​

Tel: 021 940 4400

Zanele is a Community clinical psychologist.  Areas of interest are in understanding people within the context of their communities.​

Nicolize Nepgen​

BSc (Nursing), BSc (Hons. Nursing), BA ( Hons. Psyc), MA (Clinical Psychology)  

Nicolize is a Senior Clinical Psychologist at Stikland Hospital and lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry. She works in the Outpatient department, Psychogeriatric units and community healthcare. Her areas of interest include neuropsychology, cognitive remediation, and chronic psychiatric disorders.