Department of Psychiatry

Postgraduate Offering

 The Department of Psychiatry offers several postgraduate degrees in the field of psychiatry and mental health, including a postgraduate diploma in addiction care, sub-specialist training through master’s programmes in Addiction Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Community Mental Health, Clinical Neuropsychiatry, Infant Mental Health, Mindfulness, Psychogeriatrics, and Psychosomatic Psychiatry. The Department also offers the MMed in Psychiatry degree, required to practice as a psychiatrist in South Africa. We also offer an MSc in Neuroscience and a PhD in Psychiatry. For more information on the offered postgraduate programmes, please refer to the appropriate pages in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences yearbook.

» Subspeciality Programmes

» MMed (Psych) and FC (Psych) (SA) 

» MSc (Neuroscience)​

» PhD/DMed