Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

Energy and the Environment

​​​​In close collaboration with the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies, the Department contributes towards fundamental research into a wide range of energy generation technologies. Addressing transport needs, the group investigates the performance and impact of biofuels and blends in compression-ignition and spark-ignition engines​...

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Biomedical Engineering

Technologies such as 3D printing, microcomputers and artificial intelligence are opening up new opportunities for engineering in the biomedical field. This group is developing innovative minimally invasive devices to collect healthcare information, mechatronic devices...

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Mechanics and Dynamics

Activities are divided into fundamental research on materials, behaviour of structures and failure mechanisms and criteria. The materials research focuses on powder metal (mainly titanium and its alloys) processing and products, continuous fibre-reinforced thermoset composites for ...


Computational Modelling

The group’s expertise in optimisation theory and algorithm development, finite element methods (FEM), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), discrete element methods (DEM) and continuum methods is world-renowned...

Mechatronics, Automation and Design

​​Diverse mechatronic systems such as reconfigurable manufacturing systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, robots and medical devices are researched. The research includes development design methodologies for such systems...