Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

Prof Corné Coetzee

​​​​​Associate Professor : Design and Mechatronics Division

Prof Coetzee started​ in 2005 as a Snr Lecturer in the Mechanics Division. From 2007, however, he forms part of the Design and Mechatronics Division. He did his PhD on the modelling of granular flow using the Particle-in-Cell Method.

Academic Qualifications

  • BEng (Mechanical), 1998, University of Stellenbosch
  • MScEng (Mechanical), 2000, University of Stellenbosch
  • PhD (Mechanical Engineering), 2004, University of Stellenbosch


Professional Experience

​2017-date                                       Stellenbosch University, dept of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering

                                                          Associate Professor

2007 - 2017:Stellenbosch University, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Senior Lecturer (Design and Mechatronics division
2005 - 2006:Stellenbosch University, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Senior Lecturer (Mechanics division)
2004:Stellenbosch University, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Lecturer (Mechanics division)
VR Steel
Research assistant
Dragline bucket modelling for VR Steel
2001 - 2003:Stellenbosch University, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Lecturer (Design division)


Fields of Research

Application of the Material Point Method (Particle-in-Cell Method) to Geotechnics and Earthmoving Processes
Dragline bucket modelling using DEM


Fields of Interest

  • Granular Flow
  • Discrete Element Method (DEM)
  • Material Point Method (MPM)

Publications, Presentations and Patents 


Journal Articles

COETZEE CJ, NEL RG. Calibration of discrete element properties and the modelling of packed rock beds. Powder Technology 2014; 264 : 332-342.

Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)

COETZEE CJ, HORN E. Calibration of the Discrete Element Method using a Large Shear Box. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation, WASET, 2014; 8(12) : 2071-2080.

COETZEE CJ. Discrete and continuum modelling of soil cutting. Computational Particle Mechanics 2014; 1 : 409-423.


Journal Articles (subsidised)

LOMBARD SG, COETZEE CJ. The destemming of grapes: Experiments and discrete element modelling. Biosystems Engineering 2013; 114 : 232-248.

Proceedings International

JASSIM I, COETZEE CJ, VERMEER P. A dynamic material point method for geomechanics. International Conference on Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013: 15-23.


Proceedings International

NEL RG, LOUW ADR, COETZEE CJ. A DEM-CFD approach to predict the pressure drop through an air-rockbed thermal storage system: Part 1. First Southern African Solar Energy Conference (SASEC 2012), Protea Hotel Technopark Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2012: 1-9.


Journal Papers

1. Coetzee, C.J., Vermeer, P.A., Basson, A.H., 2005, The Modelling of Anchors using the Material Point Method, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 29, 879-895
2. Coetzee, C.J., Basson, A.H., Vermeer, P.A., 2006, Discrete and Continuum Modelling of Silo Discharge, R&D Journal, A Publication of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering, 22(2), 26-38
3. Coetzee, C.J., Basson, A.H., Vermeer, P.A., 2007, Discrete and Continuum Modelling of Excavator Bucket Filling, Journal of Terramechanics, 44, 177-186
4. Coetzee, C.J., Els, D.N.J., 2009, Calibration of Discrete Element Parameters and the Modelling of Silo Discharge and Bucket Filling, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 65, 198-212
5. Coetzee, C.J., Els, D.N.J., 2009, Calibration of Granular Material Parameters for DEM Modelling and Numerical Verification by Blade-Granular Material Interaction, Journal of Terramechanics, 46, 15-26
6. Coetzee, C.J., Els, D.N.J., 2009, The Numerical Modelling of Excavator Bucket Filling using DEM, Journal of Terramechanics, 46, 217-227
7. Coetzee, C.J., Els, D.N.J., Dymond, G.F., 2010, Discrete Element Parameter Calibration and the Modelling of Dragline Bucket Filling, Journal of Terramechanics, 47, 33-44
8. Coetzee, C.J., Lombard, S.G., 2011, Discrete Element Modelling of a Centrifugal Fertiliser Spreader, Biosystems Engineering, 109, 308-325

Submitted for review
1. Lombard, S.G., Coetzee, C.J., 2011, The destemming of grapes: Experiments, Biosystems Engineering
2. Coetzee, C.J., Lombard, S.G., 2011, The desteming of grapes: DEM modelling, Biosystems Engineering

International Conference Proceedings

1. Els, D.N.J., Coetzee, C.J., Friction Forces in a Vertically Pushed Granular Column, International Symposium on Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids III, Porsgrunn, Norway, August 1999
2. Coetzee, C.J.; Els, D.N.J.: Modelling Excavator Bucket Filling with DEM, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), July 7-12, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Editors: Mang, H.A.; Rammerstorfer, F.G.; Eberhardsteiner, J., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN 3-9501554-0-6,
3. Beuth, L., Vermeer, P, Coetzee, C.J., Bonnier, P., van den Berg, P., 2007, Formulations and Validation of a Quasi-Static Material-Point, International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, Rhodes, Greece, 25-27 April 2007.
4. Beuth, L., Benz, T., Vermeer, P., Wieckowski, Z., Coetzee, C.J., 2007, Large deformation analyses using the Material-Point Method, 17th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, CMM 2007, June 19 – 22, Lodz-Spala, Poland.
5. Coetzee, C.J., 2009, The Modelling of Bulk Materials Handling using the Discrete Element Method, 1st African Conference on Computational Mechanics – An International Conference, AfriComp, January 7 – 11, Sun City, South Africa
6. Beuth, L., Więckowski, Z., Vermeer, P.A., Coetzee, C.J., 2009, The Modelling of Large Deformation Geotechnics using the Material Point Method, 1st African Conference on Computational Mechanics – An International Conference, AfriComp, January 7 – 11, Sun City, South Africa
7. Jassim, I., Coetzee, C.J., 2009, A Contact Algorithm for Non-Structured MPM Meshes, 18th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, CMM 2009, 18-21 May, Zielona Gora, Poland

National Conference Proceedings

  • Vogler, U., Coetzee, Corné J., Vermeer, P.A.: Simulation of Field Model Tests by two different Numerical Approaches. DGGK, AK 1.6 "Numerik in der Geotechnik": Workshop: Nachweise für Böschungen und Baugruben mit numerischen Methoden, S. 37-46, Weimar 2003.
  • Coetzee, C., 2008, Calibration of Discrete Element Parameters and the Modelling of Bulk Materials Handling, Conveyors and Bulk Materials Conference, 6 & 7 August 2008, Midrand, South Africa