Eerste Kwartaal
23 Februarie
Prof Julie Parle (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
"'The bounds of compassion?": medical mercy killings in South Africa, 1970s-1990s.'
23 Maart (Dinsdag)
Anell Daries (Stellenbosch University)
“The Establishment of Physical Education at Stellenbosch University (1936-1940) – Exercise as education and the study of the human body as science." (discussant
Dr Handri Walters)
30 Maart (Dinsdag)
Dr Anne Samson (Independent Historian, Co-ordinator Great War in Africa Association)
“54: Does Kitchener really need another biography?"
6 April, (Dinsdag)
Prof Alex Mouton (UNISA)
“The Opportunist – The Political Life of Oswald Pirow".