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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Department of ​Health Professions Education

Faculty Development - Formal Short Courses

​Teaching in the Health Professions

This short course is registered as a short course and for CPD points. The course was designed on the basis of taking participants through a curriculum design cycle from understanding the current situation of our learners, through learning, teaching and assessment to reflection. We took a practical approach, keeping theoretical input to a minimum. Many members of CHPE staff are involved as well as other clinicians who we identified as having an interest in education. This is a one-and-a-half-day course usually presented over a Friday/Saturday, and it is accredited for 10 CPD points.​

It was presented again in the first semester this year, with 44 participants from various departments within the faculty, as well as clinicians on the platform where students rotate. 

Prof Susan van Schalkwyk is facilitating a brainstorm activity    



Registrar as Teacher       

The "Registrars as Teachers" short course is developed for all appointed registrars but allow participation from all clinicians. It is a three-hour practical course in clinical teaching, based on the clinical supervision course. It is accredited for 3 CPD points.

Although Heads of Departments and Divisions are still invited to send newly appointed registrars on the course, it is available to all clinicians, and can be adapted to serve the needs of individual departments.​​

Prof Ben van Heerden, explaining the context of the MBChB curriculum 


Supervisor as Teacher (SaT)

The 'Supervisor as Teacher' short course is developed for all appointed supervisors/clinical teachers supervising or teaching students from the Rehabilitation Sciences, Nursing & Midwifery as well as Human Nutrition Sciences on the clinical platform. It is a three-hour practical course in clinical supervision/teaching. It is accredited for 3 CPD points.

Heads of Departments and Divisions are invited to send any appointed supervisors/clinical teachers on the course. It can also be adapted to serve the needs of individual departments/divisions.​​ 

Contact Mrs Lorraine Louw (lhl@sun.ac.za) to discuss and arrange a session.