Welcome to Stellenbosch University


​​​Department of ​Health Professions Education​

Re​cent Publications

Boursicot, K., Kemp, S., Norcini, J., Nadarajah V., Humphrey-Murto, S., Archer, E. et al., 2023. Synthesis and perspectives from the Ottawa 2022 conference on the assessment of competence, Medical Teacher, pp. 1–6. doi:10.1080/0142159x.2023.2174420. 

McKenna, S. and van Schalkwyk, S., 2023. A scoping review of the changing landscape of doctoral education, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, pp. 1–18. doi:10.1080/03057925.2023.2168121. 

Prakaschandra, D., Meyer, R. and Bhagwan, R., 2023. An exploratory study of the Clinical Technology Undergraduate Program in South Africa: Preparedness of students for clinical practice, Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 12(1), p. 20. doi:10.4103/jehp.jehp_778_22. 

Mgobozi, A., McNamee, L. and Couper, I., 2023. Clinical associate students’ perceptions of factors that influence their developing professional identity: A qualitative study, BMC Medical Education, 23(1). doi:10.1186/s12909-023-04109-3. 

Meyer, R., Praksaschandra, D. R., & Bhagwan, R. 2023. Clinical technology students' and academics' perceptions of clinical work-integrated learning to inform curricular change. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 24(3), 371-385.

Kammies, C., & Archer, E. 2023. How radiography educators teach the concept of caring to undergraduate radiography students. Radiography, 29, 898-902. https://doi/10.1016/j.radi.2023.06.004.

Correia, J.C., Meyer, I.S., & McNamee, L.S. 2023. Form and Function: Learning Anatomy Using Ultrasound. Medical Science Educator, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-023-01806-y.

Archer, E., Govender, L., Meyer, R., Nadkar, A.A., & Smit, L. 2023. Praxis-Informed Pointers: A Student Guide for optimizing clinical learning in a resource-constrained setting. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1080/10401334.2023.2237480.

Van Schalkwyk, S.C., & Blitz, J. 2023. Curriculum renewal towards critically conscious graduates: Implications for faculty development. Medical Education, 2023, 1-9.

Archer, E., & Turner, A. 2023. Changes in the empathy levels of a group of undergraduate medical students: A longitudinal study. South African Journal of Bioethics and Law, 16(1), 46-49. https://doi.org/10.7196/SAJBL.2023.v16i2.1015.

Baadjes, K., Conradie, W., Edge, J.M., & Archer, E. 2023. Surgical videos for face-to-face and virtual oral assessment: Experiences of examiners and trainees. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 15(3), e890. https://doi.org/10.7196/AJHPE.2023.v15i3.890.

van As, J., & Brits, E.K. 2023. "I get higher marks via BYOD": A descriptive quantitative study on student experiences using BYOD e-assessments to enhance the dimensions of administration and support for learning excellence. MedEdPublish, 13:212. https://doi.org/10.12688/mep.19721.1.

Jacobs, C. and van Schalkwyk, S., 2022. What knowledge matters in health professions education? Teachingin Higher Education, 27:8, 1068-1083, DOI: 10.1080/1356​​​​2517.​​​2022.211​​1207 ​ 

Archer, E., van Schalkwyk, S.C., Volschenk, M. et al., 2022. Planned or emergent? An evaluation of a Master's in Health Professio​ns Education programme.  BMC Med Educ 22, 242 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-022-03319-5

Brits, E.K.,  Archer E and Strydom S., 2022. Implementing blended learning for clinician teachers: a qualitative study identifying their needs and the impact on faculty development initiatives. MedEdPublish. https://doi.org/10.12688/mep.19243.1

Chhabra, N., Chhabra, S. & Archer, E., 2022. Medical Students' Perspectives on the Factors Affecting Empathy Development During Their Undergraduate Training. Medical Science Education.https://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-021-01487-5

Fyfe, M., Horsburgh, J., Blitz, J., Chiavaroli N., Kumar S., Cleland, J., 2022. Dos, Don'ts, Don't Knows: Redressing differential attainment related to race/ethnicity in medical schools. Perspective on Medical Education PMED-D-21-00780. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40037-021-00696-3

Govender, L. 2022. Post-pandemic: Teaching with kindness, Medical Teacher, pp.1-2. https://doi.org/10.1080/01421​​59X.2022.2072719

Jacobs, C. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2022. What knowledge matters in health professions education? Teachingin Higher Education, pp.1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2022.2111207

Kammies, C. and Archer, E., 2022. Understanding of caring-Radiography educators' perspectives. Radiography28(3), pp.668-673. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35643040/

Moxley, K., 2022. The development of research competence among specialist registrars in South Africa: Challenges and opportunities for research education and capacity development. African Journal of Health Professions Education14(2). https://doi.org/10.7196/AJHPE.2022.v14i1.1418

Müller, J., Reardon, C., Coetzee, F. et al. 2022. Transformative learning through participation: experiences at a rural clinical training site in South Africa. BMC Med Educ 22, 183 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-022-03233-w

Ramani, S., Kusurkar, R. A., Papageorgiou, E. and van Schalkwyk, S. 2022. What sparks a guide on the side? A qualitative study to explore motivations and approaches of mentors in health professions education, MedicalTeacher.https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2021.2020739

Ned, L., Hess-April, L., Hansen, A., Gabriels, S., and Sonday, A. 2022. Towards the integration of critical disability studies in rehabilitation sciences curricula. In Rioux, M, Jose, M & Dada, S. Handbook of Critical Disability Studies in a Globalizing WorldSpringer publishers. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-16-1278-7_20-1#Abs1

Archer, E. and Meyer, I.S., 2021. Applying empathic communication skills in clinical practice: Medical students’ experiences. South African Family Practice, 63(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/safp.v63i1.5244

Baatjes, K.J., Keiller, A.V., Louw, A.J. and Van Rooyen, M., 2021. Point‐of‐view technology to teach surgery. The Clinical Teacher, 18(2), pp.147-151. DOI: 10.1111/tct.13272.

Cleland, J.A., Jamieson, S., Kusurkar, R.A., Ramani, S., Wilkinson, T.J. and van Schalkwyk, S., 2021. Redefining scholarship for health professions education: AMEE Guide No. 142. Medical Teacher, pp.1-15. DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1900555

Couper, I., Coetzee, F. and van Schalkwyk, S., 2021. Longitudinal integrated clerkships: Reframing assessment conventions. Medical education, 55(5), p.636. DOI: 10.1111/medu.14485

Eichbaum, Q.G., Adams, L.V., Evert, J., Ho, M.J., Semali, I.A. and van Schalkwyk, S.C. 2021. Decolonizing Global Health Education: Rethinking Institutional Partnerships and Approaches. Academic Medicine. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003473

Govender, L. and Archer, E., 2021. Feedback as a spectrum: The evolving conceptualisation of feedback for learning. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 13(1), pp.12-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.7196

Govender, L. and de Villiers, M.R., 2021. When disruption strikes the curriculum: Towards a crisis-curriculum analysis framework. Medical Teacher, pp.1-10. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2021.1887839

Jacobs, C., 2021. Contextually responsive and knowledge-focused teaching: disrupting the notion of ‘best practices’. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL), 9(SI), pp.1-14. https://doi.org/10.14426/cristal.v9iSI.338

Kakia, A. and Couper, I., 2021. Preceptors’ perceptions of assessing clinical associate students at district hospital sites. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 13(1).  https://doi.org/10.4102/phcfm.v13i1.2934

Omoniyi-Esan, G.O., Archer, E. and Meyer, I., 2021. Stepping on the ladder of integration: perspectives of foundational science teachers at a medical school on a discipline-based curriculum. East African Medical Journal, 98(6), pp.3867-3875.

Schmutz, A.M.S., Meyer, I., Archer, E. 2021. Supervision interactions and student learning: how supervision can influence learning, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 37(2), pp.315-322. DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1628139

Schmutz, A.M., Jenkins, L.S., Coetzee, F., Conradie, H., Irlam, J., Joubert, E.M., Matthews, D. and Van Schalkwyk, S.C., 2021. Re-imagining health professions education in the coronavirus disease 2019 era: Perspectives from South Africa. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 13(1). DOI: 10.4102/phcfm.v13i1.2948

Smit, I.M., Volschenk, M. and Koen, L., 2021. Evaluation of an undergraduate psychiatric clinical rotation: Exploring student perceptions. South African Journal of Psychiatry, 27, p.6.  DOI: 10.4102/sajpsychiatry.v27i0.1583

Swart, H.A. and Archer, E., 2021. “We communicate poorly with each other”-Registrars’ perceptions of communication skills training. MedEdPublish, 10. DOI:10.15694/mep.2021.000119.1

Teunissen, P.W., Atherley, A., Cleland, J.J., Holmboe, E., Hu, W.C., Durning, S.J., Nishigori, H., Samarasekera, D.D., Schuwirth, L., van Schalkwyk, S. and Maggio, L.A., 2021. Advancing the science of health professions education through a shared understanding of terminology: a content analysis of terms for “faculty". Perspectives on Medical Education, pp.1-6. DOI: 10.1007/s40037-021-00683-8

Thomas, H. and Volschenk, M., 2021. Factors influencing radiography lecturers' perceptions and understanding of reflective practice in a newly implemented curriculum. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 13(1), pp.47-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.7196/AJHPE.2021.v13i1.1249

Vergunst, R., McKenzie, J. and Hansen, A., 2021. Capacity building for quality care and education for children with severe to profound intellectual disabilities in South Africa. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, p.17446295211018584. https://doi.org/10.1177/17446295211018584 

Masters completed

Cawe, B.  The perceptions of clinical associate students about the decentralised learning environment at Walter Sisulu University, 2021. 128 pp

Correia, JC.  Learning cross-sectional Anatomy using ultrasound: perspectives of undergraduate Clinical Anatomy students. 2021

De Wet, DR, The role of pathology in the development of clinical expertise and practice in an integrated undergraduate medical curriculum: a final-year medical student perspective. 2021.  45pp

Govender, L.  Medical educator perceptions at the University of Cape Town: sense-making and educator agency during times of crisis.  2021.  75pp

Kabini, S.  Perceptions of undergraduate dental students regarding the teaching and learning strategies in prosthetic dentistry.  2021. 85pp

Kammies, C.  Perceptions of radiography educators on the notion of caring.  2021.  85pp

Lucas, ANT.  The influence of post mortem exposure on enrolled nursing students' learning of anatomy and physiology.  2021.  102pp

Moses, CD.  Efficacy of practical video demonstrations to enhance teaching and learning of psychomotor skills in a time-constrained dental prosthetic techniques course.  2021.  64pp

Moxley, K.  There's no doubt that one learns through it all": A qualitative exploration of the value surgery trainees assign to Master of Medicine research.  2021.  80pp

Naidoo, P. aramedic Students' Experience of Simulation Debriefing.  2021.  85pp

Nel-Cooke, l.  Nursing students' perception of and engagement with feedback provided in an undergraduate nursing programme.  2021.  79pp

Proudfoot, IG.  An analysis of the experiences of HCWs in improving their performance in the workplace following a multi-method training intervention in a resource-limited setting.  2021.  63pp

Van der Walt, L.  The value of an e-learning bundle in the acquisition of a clinical skill: Exploring the perceptions of third-year medical students at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. 2021.  68pp

Van Zyl, M.  An exploratory study of medical students' experiences of going on home visits to persons with disabilities within a rural primary health care setting.  2021.  73pp

Viljoen, JA.  Exploring the Professional Identity development of students at a Rural Clinical School.  2021.  64 pp

Williams, LG.  Exploring the perceptions of physiotherapy students on their preparedness to include exercise in the treatment of cancer patients.  2021.  86pp

Chapters in Books

Van Schalkwyk, S. and Jacobs, C., 2021. 4 Borders and Tensions in the Context of Doctoral Writing. RE-IMAGINING DOCTORAL WRITING, p.89. DOI: 10.37514/INT-B.2021.1343.2.04


Blitz, J. 2021. Commentary: Widening participation—Much more than “just” widening selection. The Clinical Teacher 18(s1), pp.7-8  https://doi.org/10.1111/tct.13420_3

PhD's completed

Volschenk M: Identity trajectories of health professions educators involved in Master's-level health professions education studies. Supervisors: Van Schalkwyk and Bitzer EM.

Meyer, R. The private healthcare context as an environment for learning: A case study. Supervisors: van Schalkwyk SC and  Archer E.

Hassen, M., Archer, E., Pellizzon, A., Chikte, U.M. and Davids, M.R., 2020. Human resources for nephrology in South Africa: A mixed-methods study. PloS one, 15(2), p.e0228890.

Kulenkampff C., Archer E. and Meintjes W.A.J. 2020. Post-exposure prophylaxis protocol for exposure to blood-borne pathogens: an intervention to improve knowledge and practice among medical students in a South African hospital. Occupational Health Southern Africa, 26(1), p.15-20.

Van Schalkwyk, S., Couper, I., Blitz, J., Kent, A. and de Villiers, M., 2020. Twelve tips for distributed health professions training. Medical teacher, 42(1), pp.30-35.

Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Couper, I.D., Blitz, J. and De Villiers, M.R., 2020. A framework for distributed health professions training: using participatory action research to build consensus. BMC medical education, 20, pp.1-10.

Marks, C.J., Louw, A.J.N. and Couper, I., 2020. Core competencies required by toxicology graduates in order to function effectively in a Poisons Information Centre: A Delphi study. African Journal of Emergency Medicine.van Schalkwyk, S., Mouton, J., Redelinghuys, H. and McKenna, S., 2020. A systematic analysis of doctoral publication trends in South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 116(7/8).

Van Schalkwyk, S., Mouton, J., Redelinghuys, H. and McKenna, S., 2020. A systematic analysis of doctoral publication trends in South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 116(7/8).

​Van Schalkwyk, S., O’Brien, B.C., van der Vleuten, C., Wilkinson, T.J., Meyer, I., Schmutz, A.M. and Varpio, L., 2020. Exploring perspectives on health professions education scholarship units from sub-Saharan Africa. Perspectives on Medical Education, pp.1-8.

Eichbaum, Q.G., Adams, L.V., Evert, J., Ho, M.J., Semali, I.A. and van Schalkwyk, S.C., 2020. Decolonizing Global Health Education: Rethinking Institutional Partnerships and Approaches. Academic Medicine.

Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Kiguli-Malwadde, E., Budak, J.Z., Reid, M.J. and De Villiers, M.R., 2020. Identifying Research Priorities for Health Professions Education Research in Sub-Saharan Africa using a Modified Delphi Method.

Van Schalkwyk, S., Archer, E., Volschenk, M. and Blitz, J., 2020. Teaching clinical reasoning: a new playbook. The Clinical Teacher.

Turner, R.E. and Archer, E., 2020. Patient-centred care: The patients’ perspective–A mixed-methods pilot study. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 12(1), p.8.

Meyer, R., van Schalkwyk, S. and Archer, E., 2020. The influence of context on the teaching and learning of undergraduate nursing students: A scoping review. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 12(3), pp.124-129.

McNamee, L., Jacobs, C. and van Schalkwyk, S., 2020. Affordances of funding for enhancing scholarship of teaching and learning: gifts for growth?. Teaching in Higher Education, pp.1-15.

Chapters in Books

“Race” by any other name would smell. In: Jansen, J. and Walters, C. eds., 2020. Fault Lines: A Primer on Race, Science and Society. AFRICAN SUN MeDIA. pp. 221-233.

Young, G. and Jacobs, C., 2020. Legitimate participation in programme renewal: The role of academic development units. In Building Knowledge in Higher Education (pp. 220-236). Routledge.

Masters completed

Ayodele OE. Residents-as-teachers: Needs assessment of residents? teaching skills in clinical setting using direct observation of teaching. MPhil in HPE, 2020. 110 pp.

Brits, E. Factors that influence a group of MBChB lecturers to use blended learning in their teaching. 2020​

Barnard D. A study of MBChB student reflections on their primary health service learning experience. MPhil in HPE, 2020. 97 pp.

Chhabra N. Medical students' perspectives on the development of empathy and its determinants during their undergraduate training. MPhil in HPE, 2020. 104 pp.

Cloete CCA. Exploring final year dental students' attitudes toward and understanding of reflection and reflective practice in the Conservative Dentistry Clinics at a South African dental school. MPhil in HPE, 2020. 79 pp.

Fobian N. Physiotherapy students? perceptions of clinical reasoning. MPhil in HPE, 2020. 66 pp.

Herman V. Role modelling: A critical component of bedside teaching in a critical care unit. MPhil in HPE, 2020. 98 pp.

Archer, E. and Turner, R., 2019. Measuring empathy in a group of South African undergraduate medical students using the student version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy. African journal of primary health care & family medicine, 11(1), pp.1-5.

Blitz, J., De Villiers, M. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2019. Designing faculty development: lessons learnt from a qualitative interpretivist study exploring students' expectations and experiences of clinical teaching. BMC medical education, 19(1), p.49.

Decloedt, E.H. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2019. Students shooting videos to learn pharmacology. The clinical teacher, 16(5), pp.490-496.

Field, S., Abrahams, Z., Woods, D.L., Turner, R., Onah, M.N., Kaura, D.K. and Honikman, S., 2019. Accessible continued professional development for maternal mental health. African journal of primary health care & family medicine, 11(1), pp.1-7.

Joynt, G.M., Gopalan, P.D., Argent, A., Chetty, S., Wise, R., Lai, V.K.W., Hodgson, E., Lee, A., Joubert, I., Mokgokong, S., Tshukutsoane, S., Richards, G.A., Menezes, C., Mathivha, L.R., Espen, B., Levy, B., Asante, K. and Paruk, F. 2019. The Critical Care Society of Southern Africa Consensus Guideline on ICU Triage and Rationing (ConICTri). SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 109(8), pp. 630-642.

Marais, D.L., Kotlowitz, J., Willems, B., Barsdorf, N.W. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2019. Perceived enablers and constraints of motivation to conduct undergraduate research in a Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences: What role does choice play? PloS one, 14(3).

McNamee, L.S. and Rule, P.N., 2019. Dispositions of newly qualified doctors encountering a language-related dilemma in South Africa. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 37(2), pp.158-170.

Meyer, I.S., Louw, A. and Ernstzen, D., 2019. Perceptions of physiotherapy clinical educators' dual roles as mentors and assessors: Influence on teaching–learning relationships. The South African journal of physiotherapy, 75(1).

Molwantwa, M.C., Van Schalkwyk, S., Prozesky, D.R., Kebaetse, M.B. and Mogodi, M.S., 2019. Enhancing learning in longitudinal clinical placements in community primary care clinics: undergraduate medical students' voices. Education for Primary Care, 30(5), pp.301-308.

Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Hafler, J., Brewer, T.F., Maley, M.A., Margolis, C., McNamee, L., Meyer, I., Peluso, M.J., Schmutz, A.M., Spak, J.M. and Davies, D., 2019. Transformative learning as pedagogy for the health professions: a scoping review. Medical education, 53(6), pp.547-558.

Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)

Archer, E. and Turner, R., 2019. Empathy: An essential tool in any doctor's skillset. SAMJ: South African Medical Journal, 109(1), pp.11-12.

Mash, R., Malan, Z., Blitz, J. and Edwards, J., 2019. Improving the quality of clinical training in the workplace: implementing formative assessment visits. South African Family Practice, 61(6), pp.264-272.

Van Schalkwyk SC. 2019. Thinking about context: Consciously and critically. The Clinical Teacher. 16, pp. 435-436.

Chapters in Books

Jacobs C. 2019. "I just felt like I was trying to swim through molasses": Curriculum renewal at a research-intensive university. In: Quinn L (ed.) Re-Imagining Curriculum spaces for disruption, African SUN Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, pp. 345-361.

Masters completed

Kakia A. The perceptions of preceptors regarding assessment of clinical associate students at Walter Sisulu University. MPhil in HPE, 2019. 68 pp.

Kirstein L. Exploring nursing educators' perceptions about the use of technology in teaching. MPhil in HPE, 2019. 90 pp.

Madzimbamuto FD. How do non-attenders of Faculty Development offerings perceive their development as educators? MPhil in HPE, 2019. 81 pp.

Phalwane MG. Perceptions of newly qualified oral healthcare professionals about their exposure to service learning in their final year of training at the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, South Africa. MPhil in HPE, 2019. 85 pp.

Ray CS. Changes in attitudes, behaviour and practices following an educational intervention for midwives using reflective writing journals. MPhil in HPE, 2019. 63 pp.

Smit I. Evaluation of an undergraduate psychiatric clinical rotation: Exploring student perceptions. MPhil in HPE, 2019. 62 pp.

Swart HA. Exploring the perceptions of registrars on communication skills training at the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Stellenbosch University. MPhil in HPE, 2019. 69 pp.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Archer, E. and Meyer, I., 2018. Teaching empathy to undergraduate medical students:'one glove does not fit all'. Medical education, 52(11), pp.1191-1191.

Archer, E. and Meyer, I., 2018. Interventions aimed towards the development of patient-centredness in undergraduate medical curricula: A scoping review. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 10(3), pp.171-175.

Blitz, J., De Villiers, M. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2018. Implications for faculty development for emerging clinical teachers at distributed sites: a qualitative interpretivist study. Rural & Remote Health, 18(2).

Corral J, Hejri SM, Van Schalkwyk SC, Gordon M. 2018. Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) review process redesigned for methodological rigor, short timeline and author support. Medical Teacher, 39(8), pp. 898-899.

Couper, I., Ray, S., Blaauw, D., Ng'wena, G., Muchiri, L., Oyungu, E., Omigbodun, A., Morhason-Bello, I., Ibingira, C., Tumwine, J. and Conco, D., 2018. Curriculum and training needs of mid-level health workers in Africa: a situational review from Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda. BMC health services research, 18(1), p.553.

Cleland, J., Cilliers, F. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2018. The learning environment in remediation: a review. The clinical teacher, 15(1), pp.13-18.

De Villiers, M., Hoffie Conradie, P. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2018. Teaching medical students in a new rural longitudinal clerkship: opportunities and constraints. Annals of global health, 84(1), p.58-65.

De Villiers, M., Van Heerden, B. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2018. 'Going the extra mile': Supervisors' perspectives on what makes a 'good' intern. South African Medical Journal, 108(10), pp.852-857.

Peluso, M.J., Rodman, A., Mata, D.A., Kellett, A.T., Van Schalkwyk, S. and Rohrbaugh, R.M., 2018. A comparison of the expectations and experiences of medical students from high-, middle-, and low-income countries participating in Global Health clinical electives. Teaching and learning in medicine, 30(1), pp.45-56.

Masters completed

Govender MM. The perceptions of basic science lecturers at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University on their need for health professions educator development. MPhil HPE, 2018. 56 pp.

Haroun F. Teaching medication administration to nursing students – A scoping review with a decolonial lens. MPhil HPE, 2018. 97 pp.

Molwantwa MC. Medical Students' perceptions of their learning during longitudinal primary care clinical placements. MPhil HPE, 2018. 110 pp.

Murray B. The first African regional collaboration for emergency medicine resident education: the influence of a clinical rotation in Tanzania on Ethiopian emergency medicine residents. MPhil HPE, 2018. 63 pp.

Mutabani PA. Exploring enrolled nursing and midwifery students' opinions on professionalism in their clinical placements. MPhil HPE, 2017.74pp.

Nuuyoma VN. Feedback in clinical settings: perceptions of nursing students at a small rural district hospital in the southern part of Namibia. MPhil HPE, 2018. 84 pp.

Rahim MF. Exploring the Intricacies of Physiotherapy Supervision Interactions: Perceptions of Clinical Educators and Students. MPhil HSE, 2018. 103 pp.

Schmutz AMS. Exploring the Intricacies of Physiotherapy Supervision Interactions: Perceptions of Clinical Educators and Students. MPhil HPE, 2018. 73 pp.

Sepako E. Alignment of current graduate attributes required of medical graduates of the University of Botswana to the expressed needs of users of the Botswana Health Service. MPhil HPE, 2018. 147 pp.

Solomon PA. Exploring the factors that impact on the non-attendance of physiotherapy clinical educators at faculty development training programmes at Stellenbosch University: a descriptive study. MPhil HPE, 2017. 72 pp.

Steyn J. A retrospective content analysis of the ambulance emergency assistant refresher course outcomes as covered by FOAMed resources. MPhil HPE, 2018. 63 pp.

Sukrajh V. The use of peer trenching to promote learning amongst senior medical students. MPhil HSE, 2018. 67 pp.

Thomas H. Exploring lecturers' perceptions and understanding of reflective practice in a newly implemented BSc Radiography curriculum at a South African University of Technology. MPhil HSE, 2018. 95 pp.

Van Niekerk LP. Exploring medical laboratory scientist students' experiences during their fourth-year clinical practice period. MPhil HSE, 2018. 76 pp.

Visser M. The influence of a flipped classroom on the learning approaches of first year Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy students. MPhil HSE, 2018. 84 pp.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Archer, E., Bitzer, E.M. and Van Heerden, B.B., 2017. Interrogating patient-centredness in undergraduate medical education using an integrated behaviour model. South African Family Practice, 59(6), pp.219-223.

Bovijn, J., Kajee, N., Esterhuizen, T.M. and Van Schalkwyk, S.C., 2017. Research involvement among undergraduate health sciences students: a cross-sectional study. BMC medical education, 17(1), p.186.

Mapukata, N.O., Couper, I.D., Dreyer, A.R. and Mlambo, M., 2017. Health sciences students' contribution to human resources for health strategy: A rural health careers day for grade 12 learners in the North West Province of South Africa. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 9(3), pp.92-93.

Mapukata, N.O., Couper, I. and Smith, J., 2017. The value of the WIRHE Scholarship Programme in training health professionals for rural areas: Views of participants. African journal of primary health care & family medicine, 9(1), pp.1-6.

Michaels, D., Couper, I., Mogodi, M.S., Hakim, J.G., Talib, Z., Mipando, M.H., Chidzonga, M.M., Matsika, A. and Simuyemba, M., 2017. A peer evaluation of the community-based education programme for medical students at the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences: A southern African Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) collaboration. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 9(3), pp.138-143.

De Villiers, M.R., Blitz, J., Couper, I., Kent, A., Moodley, K., Talib, Z., Van Schalkwyk, S. and Young, T., 2017. Decentralised training for medical students: Towards a South African consensus. African journal of primary health care & family medicine, 9(1), pp.1-6.

De Villiers, M., Van Schalkwyk, S., Blitz, J., Couper, I., Moodley, K., Talib, Z. and Young, T., 2017. Decentralised training for medical students: a scoping review. BMC medical education, 17(1), p.196.

Leibowitz B, Bozalek V, Farmer JL, Garraway JW, Herman N, Jawitz J, Mistri G, Ndebele C, Nkonki V, Quinn L, Van Schalkwyk SC, Vorster J, Winberg C. 2017. Collaborative Research in Contexts of Inequality: The Role of Social Reflexivity. Higher education, 74(1), pp.56-80.

Mubuuke, A.G., Louw, A.J.N. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2017. Self-regulated learning: A key learning effect of feedback in a problem-based learning context. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 9(1), pp.34-38.

Meyer, I.S., Louw, A. and Ernstzen, D., 2017. Physiotherapy students' perceptions of the dual role of the clinical educator as mentor and assessor: Influence on the teaching–learning relationship. The South African journal of physiotherapy, 73(1). pp.349

Nottidge, T.E. and Louw, A.J.N., 2017. Self-directed learning: Status of final-year students and perceptions of selected faculty leadership in a Nigerian medical school–a mixed analysis study. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 9(1), pp.29-33.

Talib, Z., van Schalkwyk, S.,Couper, I., Pattanaik, S., Turay, K., Sagay, A.S., Baingana, R., Baird, S., Gaede, B., Iputo, J. and Kibore, M., 2017. Medical education in decentralized settings: How medical students contribute to health care in 10 sub-Saharan African countries. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 92(12), p.1723-1732.

Tannor, E.K., Archer, E., Kapembwa, K., Van Schalkwyk, S.C. and Davids, M.R., 2017. Quality of life in patients on chronic dialysis in South Africa: a comparative mixed methods study. BMC nephrology, 18(1), p.4.

Van Schalkwyk, G.I., Katz, R.B., Resignato, J., Van Schalkwyk, S.C. and Rohrbaugh, R.M., 2017. Effective research mentorship for residents: Meeting the needs of early career physicians. Academic Psychiatry, 41(3), pp.326-332.

Van Schalkwyk, S., Blitz, J., Couper, I., De Villiers, M. and Muller, J., 2017. Breaking new ground: lessons learnt from the development of Stellenbosch University's Rural Clinical School. South African Health Review, 2017(1), pp.71-75.

Peluso, M.J., Van Schalkwyk, S., Kellett, A., Brewer, T.F., Clarfield, A.M., Davies, D., Garg, B., Greensweig, T., Hafler, J., Hou, J. and Maley, M., 2017. Reframing undergraduate medical education in global health: Rationale and key principles from the Bellagio Global Health Education Initiative. Medical teacher, 39(6), pp.639-645.

Leibowitz, B., Bozalek, V., Farmer, J., Garraway, J., Herman, N., Jawitz, J., McMillan, W., Mistri, G., Ndebele, C., Nkonki, V., Quinn, L., Van Schalkwyk, S., Vorster, J., Winberg, C. 2017. Collaborative research in contexts of inequality: the role of social reflexivity. Higher Education, 74(1), pp.65-80.

Articles in non-peer reviewed journals

Kotze, K. and Archer, E., 2017. Validating an adapted questionnaire to determine perceptions of the clinical learning environment. MedEdPublish, 6(2): pp.27.

Archer, E. and van Heerden, B.B., 2017. Undergraduate medical students' attitudes towards patient-centredness: a longitudinal study. MedEdPublish, 6(3): pp.47.

Research Reports

Herman N, Van Schalkwyk SC. Learning to Teach in Higher Education in South Africa. 2017: 123 pp. 

Chapters in books

Steyn R; Van Schalkwyk S. 2017. Beyond supervisor development: changing institutional practices to enhance postgraduate education. In: Boughey C; McKenna S & H Wels. (eds). Strengthening Postgraduate. Supervision. SunMedia: Stellenbosch.

PhD's completed

Mubuuke AG: Exploring health science students' experiences of feedback in a problem-based learning tutorial: A Case Study in an African Medical School. Supervisors: Louw AJN and Van Schalkwyk SC.

C Tan: An investigation into the exit level assessment of the clinical competence of medical graduates for the sub-Saharan African context. Supervisors:  Van Schalkwyk SC and Cilliers F (UCT).

International Oral Presentations

Archer E.  Engaging patient-centeredness in an undergraduate medical curriculum. (PHD oral presentation) AMEE Helsinki. 23 – 30 August 2017.

Blitz J, Van Schalkwyk S. Should faculty development include how to foster students' agentic capability for learning? 4th International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions. Helsinki, Sweden. 25-27 August 2017.

Bolander Laksov K, Van Schalkwyk S. Striving for balanced research supervision in medical education. 4th International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions. Helsinki, Sweden. 25-27 August 2017.

McNamee L. Learning processes and identity construction of newly qualified doctors: a narrative study. (PhD oral presentation) AMEE Helsinki. 23 – 30 August 2017.

Louw A. Selecting the right individuals for a motivated health workforce. RESYST – London UK – 21-22 September 2017.

Van Schalkwyk S. Using a framework to understand how institutional culture influences the uptake of faculty development opportunities: a case from health professions education. 4th International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions. Helsinki, Sweden. 25-27 August 2017.

Van Schalkwyk S, Blitz J, Conradie H, De Villiers M, Fish T, Kok N, Van Heerden B. Longitudinal rural clinical training in challenging contexts: the outcome of a five-year mixed methods study. AMEE Conference, Helsinki, Sweden. 27-30 August 2017.

National Oral Presentations

Archer E.  The value of renewing a curriculum: An evaluation of the revised MPhil in Health Professions Education Postgraduate Supervision Conference.  29 – 31 March 2017. Stellenbosch.

Archer E.  The value of renewing a curriculum: An evaluation of the revised MPhil in Health Professions Education   SAAHE.  5 – 9 July 2017. Potchefstroom.

Archer E.  Exploring educational approaches and interventions to acquire the various dimensions of patient-centeredness in undergraduate medical curricula: A Scoping Review.  SOTL 23 – 25 October 2017. Somerset West.

Couper I, Blitz J, Van Schalkwyk S. The Hidden Curriculum. Workshop. SAAHE Conference, 5-8 July 2017. Potchefstroom.

De Villiers M, Van Schalkwyk S, Blitz J, Couper I, Moodley K, Talib Z, Young T. Decentralised training in the health professions: Quantitative findings from a scoping review. Oral presentation. SAAHE Conference, 5-8 July 2017. Potchefstroom.

Louw A. Formative curriculum evaluation informs curricula refinement process.  SoTL in the South, 24-27 July 2017. Johannesburg. 

Louw A. Generic skills in the inter-professional phase of the curriculum: how do students experience it? Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), 23–25 October 2017. Somerset-West.

McNamee L, Smit EJ.  The Development of Competencies in an Outcome Based Paediatric Curriculum from a Student Perspective.  SAAHE Conference, 5 – 8th July 2017. Potchefstroom.

Van Schalkwyk S; Cilliers F. Article writing; taking intentional steps to publication. Workshop. SAAHE Conference, 5-8 July 2017. Potchefstroom.

Poster Presentation

Skosana B, Hendricks L, McNamee L, Chivese T. Plicker!-ing for Understanding. PREDAC 24th – 29 October 2017

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Daniels, K., Forinder, U., Clarke, M., Snyman, S. and Ringsberg, K.C., 2016. Preschool children's healthy lifestyles: South African parents' and preschool staff perceptions. Health Education Journal, 75(8), pp.897-910.

Van As, J., Fouché, I. and Immelman, S., 2016. Academic literacy for science: a starting point for recurriculation. Journal for Language Teaching= Ijenali Yekufundzisa Lulwimi= Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig, 50(2), pp.11-35.

Leonardi, M., Sykes, C.R., Madden, R.C., ten Napel, H., Hollenweger, J., Snyman, S., Madden, R.H., De Camargo, O.K., Raggi, A., van Gool, C.H. and Martinuzzi, A., 2015. Do we really need to open a classification box on personal factors in ICF. Disabil Rehabil, 38, pp.1327-1328.

McCulloch, A., Kumar, V., Van Schalkwyk, S. and Wisker, G., 2016. Excellence in doctoral supervision: an examination of authoritative sources across four countries in search of performance higher than competence. Quality in Higher education, 22(1), pp.64-77.

Meyer, R., Van Schalkwyk, S.C. and Prakaschandra, R., 2016. The operating room as a clinical learning environment: An exploratory study. Nurse education in practice, 18, pp.60-72.

Mubuuke, A.G., Louw, A.J. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2016. Utilizing students' experiences and opinions of feedback during problem-based learning tutorials to develop a facilitator feedback guide: an exploratory qualitative study. BMC medical education, 16(1), p.6.

Murdoch-Eaton, D., Louw, A.J. and Bezuidenhout, J., 2016. Effect of curriculum changes to enhance generic skills proficiency of 1st-year medical students. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 8(1), pp.15-19.

Parris, D., Van Schalkwyk, S.C. and Ernstzen, D.V., 2016. Home-based rehabilitation: Physiotherapy student and client perspectives. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 8(1), pp.59-64.

Tan, C.P.L., Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Bezuidenhout, J. and Cilliers, F., 2016. Mapping undergraduate exit-level assessment in a medical programme: A blueprint for clinical competence? African Journal of Health Professions Education, 8(1), pp.45-49.

Van As, J., Fouché, I. and Immelman, S., 2016. Academic literacy for science: a starting point for recurriculation. Journal for Language Teaching= Ijenali Yekufundzisa Lulwimi= Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig, 50(2), pp.11-35.

Van Schalkwyk, S. and McMillan, W.J., 2016. 'I have a chameleon-like existence': a duo-ethnographic account of border crossing by two academic development practitioners. South African Journal of Higher Education, 30(6), pp.207-223.

van Schalkwyk, S.C., Murdoch-Eaton, D., Tekian, A., Van der Vleuten, C. and Cilliers, F., 2016. The supervisor's toolkit: A framework for doctoral supervision in health professions education: AMEE Guide No. 104. Medical teacher, 38(5), pp.429-442.

Chapters in Books

Louw, A. and Archer, E., 2016. Developing higher education curriculum in the health sciences context. In: FRICK BL, TRAFFORD VN, FOURIE-MALHERBE M (eds.) Being Scholarly Festschrift in honour of the work of Eli M Bitzer, SUN MeDia, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2016: 107-114.

Snyman, S., van Zyl, M., Müller, J. and Geldenhuys, M., 2016. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Catalyst for interprofessional education and collaborative practice. In Leading research and evaluation in interprofessional education and collaborative practice (pp. 285-328). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Van Schalkwyk, S., 2016. Academic literacy revisited: a space for emerging postgraduate voices. In: Frick BL, Trafford VN, Fourie-Malherbe M (eds.) Being Scholarly Festschrift in honour of the work of Eli M Bitzer, SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, pp.145-153.

PhD's completed

Archer, E. Engaging patient-centredness in an undergraduate medical curriculum. PhD, 2016. 267 pp.

Masters completed

Botha, GC. The status of curriculum in mapping undergraduate programmes in South Africa. MPhil HSE, 2016. 110 pp.

Geiger, JD. Learning about paediatric HIV an TB care - exploring participant experience and perceptions to apply what they have learnt in a blended learning course. MPhil HSE, 2016. 79 pp.

Masava, B. Student Nurses' experience of feedback during clinical learning at a rural nursing school: An exploratory study. MPhil HSE, 2016. 84 pp.

Ooko, FO. Alienation and engagement as framework for characterizing registrar's perceptions of their learning environment: An exploratory qualitative study. MPhil HSE, 2016. 74 pp.

Rambiritch, V. Professionalism for intern blood transfusion biomedical technologists - An exploration of perceptions and potential teaching strategies. MPhil HSE, 2016. 50 pp.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Van Schalkwyk, S., 2015. Medical education to strengthen health systems in Africa: MEPI as a catalyst for change. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 7(1), pp.68-69.

Voss, M., Coetzee, J.F., Conradie, H. and Van Schalkwyk, S.C., 2015. 'We have to flap our wings or fall to the ground': The experiences of medical students on a longitudinal integrated clinical model. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 7(1), pp.119-124.

Van Schalkwyk, S., Kok, N., Conradie, H. and Van Heerden, B., 2015. Academic achievement of final-year medical students on a rural clinical platform: Can we dispel the myths? African Journal of Health Professions Education, 7(1), pp.115-118.

Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Bezuidenhout, J. and De Villiers, M.R., 2015. Understanding rural clinical learning spaces: being and becoming a doctor. Medical Teacher, 37(6), pp.589-594.

Kiguli-Malwadde, E., Talib, Z.M., Wohltjen, H., Connors, S.C., Gandari, J., Banda, S.S., Maggio, L.A. and Van Schalkwyk, S.C., 2015. Medical education departments: a study of four medical schools in Sub-Saharan Africa. BMC medical education, 15(1), p.109.

Snyman S, Von Pressentin KB, Clarke M. 2015. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Catalyst for interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(4)

Leonardi, M., Sykes, C.R., Madden, R.C., ten Napel, H., Hollenweger, J., Snyman, S., Madden, R.H., De Camargo, O.K., Raggi, A., van Gool, C.H. and Martinuzzi, A., 2015. Do we really need to open a classification box on personal factors in ICF? Disabil Rehabil, 38, pp.1327-1328.

Van Schalkwyk, S., Leibowitz, B., Herman, N. and Farmer, J., 2015. Reflections on professional learning: Choices, context and culture. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 46, pp.4-10.

Young, T., Rohwer, A., Van Schalkwyk, S., Volmink, J. and Clarke, M., 2015. Patience, persistence and pragmatism: Experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation of clinically integrated teaching and learning of Evidence-Based Health Care–a qualitative study. PLoS One, 10(6).

De Villiers, A. and Louw, A., 2015. Teaching first aid in high schools: the impact on students in the health sciences extended degree programme. South African Journal of Higher Education, 29(1), pp.198-210.

Leibowitz, B., Bozalek, V., Van Schalkwyk, S. and Winberg, C., 2015. Institutional context matters: The professional development of academics as teachers in South African higher education. Higher Education, 69(2), pp.315-330.

Frantz, J.M., Bezuidenhout, J., Burch, V.C., Mthembu, S., Rowe, M., Tan, C., Van Wyk, J. and Van Heerden, B., 2015. The impact of a faculty development programme for health professions educators in sub-Saharan Africa: an archival study. BMC medical education, 15(1), p.28.

Chapters in Books

De Villiers M; Van Schalkwyk S. 2015. How to facilitate small-group learning. In: Mash B & J Blitz. (eds). South Africa Family Practice Manual (3rd. ed.). Van Schaik: Pretoria. 603-605.

Bezuidenhout, J. and van Schalkwyk, S., 2015. Developing the research question: setting the course for your research travels. Researching medical education. Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons, pp.35-42.

Hean S, Doucet S, Bainbridge L, Ball V, Anderson L, Baldwin C, Green C, Pitt R, Snyman S, Schmidtt S, Clark P, Gilbert J Oandasan I. 2015. Theoretical Approaches to Interprofessional Client-Centred Collaborative Practice. In C. Orchard & L. Bainbridge (Eds.), Interprofessional Client-Centred Collaborative Practice: What Does it Look Like? How Can it be Achieved? Nova Science Publishers. [Online].Available: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=56064&osCsid=2ffa3cc44dfda623877ef9c2d5373a50 (ISBN: 978-1-63483-811-5).

International Oral Presentations 

Van Schalkwyk S; Voss M; Bezuidenhout J; De Villiers M. Final year medical students' reflections on their clinical learning experience in urban and rural settings. AMEE, Glasgow, Scotland. 5-9 September 2015.

De Villiers M; Blitz J;Van Schalkwyk S; Walsh S. Staff and student perspectives on the use of lecture podcasts in medical curriculum. AMEE, Glasgow, Scotland. 5-9 September 2015.

Blitz J; Archer E; De Villiers M; Van Schalkwyk S. Clinical teaching of undergraduate medical students: how do clinicians do it? AMEE, Glasgow, Scotland. 5-9 September 2015.

Tan C; Cilliers F; Van Schalkwyk S. Exit level assessment of undergraduate medical students' clinical competence for sub-Saharan Africa using the context of the Millennium Development Goals. AMEE, Glasgow, Scotland. 5-9 September 2015.

Young T; Rohwer A; Van Schalkwyk S; Volmink J; Clarke M. Experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation of clinically integrated teaching and learning of evidence-based health care. AMEE, Glasgow, Scotland. 5-9 September 2015.

National Oral Presentations 

Archer E, Bitzer EMB and Van Heerden BB. Towards understanding how patient-centeredness is (not) learnt by undergraduate medical students: A student behaviour perspective. The Network and SAAHE Conference. Johannesburg 12-16 September 2015

Archer E, Bitzer EMB and van Heerden BB. Towards understanding how patient-centeredness is (not) learnt by undergraduate medical students: A student behaviour perspective. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. Stellenbosch. 27-18 October 2015 PRICE WINNER

Kok, N; Van Schalkwyk, S; Conradie, H. Community-based education on a rural platform: Through the eyes of our patients...Oral presentation. The Network: Towards Unity for Health and SAAHE Conference 12 – 16 September 2015. Gauteng.

Kok, N; Conradie, H; De Villiers, M; Van Heerden, B; Van Schalkwyk, S. A three-year study assessing the academic performance of Rural Clinical School (RCS) students. Oral presentation. Ukwanda Rural Research Day. 18 – 19 March 2015. Worcester, Cape Town.

Journal Articles

Archer, E., Bezuidenhout, J., Kidd, M. and Van Heerden, B.B., 2014. Making use of an existing questionnaire to measure patient-centred attitudes in undergraduate medical students: a case study. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 6(2), pp.150-154.

Bezuidenhout, J., Van Schalkwyk, S., Van Heerden, B. and De Villiers, M., 2014. Building a research agenda in health professions education at a Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences: Current research profile and future considerations. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 6(2), pp.169-173.

Blitz, J., Bezuidenhout, J., Conradie, H., De Villiers, M. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2014. 'I felt colonised': emerging clinical teachers on a new rural teaching platform. Rural and Remote Health, 14(2): article 2511.

Blitz, J., Kok, N., Van Heerden, B. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2014. PIQUE-ing an interest in curriculum renewal. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 6(1), pp.23-27.

De Villiers, M.R., Cilliers, F.J., Coetzee, F., Herman, N., Van Heusden, M. and von Pressentin, K.B., 2014. Equipping family physician trainees as teachers: a qualitative evaluation of a twelve-week module on teaching and learning. BMC medical education, 14(1), p.228.

Figueiró‐Filho, E.A., Amaral, E., McKinley, D., Bezuidenhout, J. and Tekian, A., 2014. Clinical teaching with minimal and indirect supervision. Medical education, 5(48), pp.530-530.

Figueiró‐Filho, E.A., Amaral, E., McKinley, D., Bezuidenhout, J. and Tekian, A., 2014. Minimal supervision out‐patient clinical teaching. The clinical teacher, 11(5), pp.365-369.

Van Schalkwyk, S., Bezuidenhout, J., Conradie, H., Fish, T., Kok, N., van Heerden, B. and De Villiers, M., 2014. 'Going rural': driving change through a rural medical education innovation. Rural and Remote Health, pp.14(2): article 2493.

Chapters in Books

De Villiers, M., Conradie, H., Snyman, S., Van Heerden, B. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2014. Experiences in developing and implementing a community-based education strategy–a case study from South Africa. Community-based education in health professions: global perspectives. Cairo: WHO, Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office, pp.176-206.

Snyman, S., 2014. Using the ICF in clinical practice and the education of health professionals. In World Health Organization. How to use the ICF: A practical manual for using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Geneva: World Health Organization; WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, pp.29-45.

Van Schalkwyk, S., 2014. Evolving doctoral identities: understanding 'complex investments'. In Pushing Boundaries in Postgraduate Supervision, Sun Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa, pp.215-227.

 International Oral Presentations 

Blitz J, Van Schalkwyk S. Accessing professional development activities: a survey of health sciences clinicians in their teaching role. Ottawa Conference. Ottawa. 26-29 April 2014.

Blitz J, Van Schalkwyk S. Assessment for and of learning: a framework for implementing student patient portfolios. Workshop. Ottawa Conference, Ottawa. 26-29 April 2014.

Blitz J, De Villiers M. Residency education at Stellenbosch University, South Africa: Successes and challenges in a unique setting. International Conference on Residency Education. Toronto, Canada. 23-25 October 2014.

Blitz J, Archer E, Rhode H, Van Schalkwyk S. Clinical teaching of undergraduate medical students: how do clinicians do it? AMEE. Milan, Italy. 30 August-3 September 2014 (Accepted, but not presented)

Muller J, Conradie H, Snyman S. Rural undergraduate interprofessional education at a student run service-learning centre in South Africa. Seventh All Together Better Conference. Pittsburgh, USA. 6-8 June 2014.

Snyman S, Von Pressentin K, Clarke M. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF): A framework for transformative interprofessional education. Seventh All Together Better Conference. Pittsburgh, USA. 6-8 June 2014.

Snyman S, Kraus de Camargo O, Sykes C, Saleeby P. FDRG mICF Collaborative. WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting and Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 11-17 October 2014.

Van Schalkwyk S, Bezuidenhout J, Blitz J, Conradie H, Fish T, Kok N, Van Heerden BB, De Villiers M. Evaluating Community-based education (CBE) – The Ukwanda Rural Clinical School: a longitudinal evaluative study. The Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professions Education. Institute of Medicine, Washington DC, USA. 1-2 May 2014.

Van Schalkwyk S, Bezuidenhout J, Conradie H, Kok N, Van Heerden BB, De Villiers M. Crossing boundaries: The potential for innovative medical education models to challenge traditional assessment practices. Ottawa Conference, Ottawa. 26-29 April 2014.

National Oral Presentations 

Archer E, Tan C, Wolvaardt L.  The novice's guide to contemplating a PhD. Workshop. SAAHE Conference. Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014

Archer E. In search of an effective teaching approach for skill acquisition and retention:  Teaching manual defibrillation to junior medical students. SAAHE. Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014.  

Archer E, De Villiers A, Van Hoving N. Making use of different teaching methods: how does it influence the retention of clinical skills? SAAHE. Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014.  

Blitz J, Archer E, Rhode H, Van Schalkwyk S. Clinical teaching of undergraduate medical students: how do clinicians do it? SAAHE. Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014.

Blitz J, Van Schalkwyk S. Assessment for and of learning: a framework for implementing student patient portfolios. Workshop.  SAAHE. Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014.

Couper I, Reid S, Cooke R, Blitz J, Zingela Z. Convergence and divergence in blueprinting a new medical school - a draft proposal for the Faculty of Health Sciences, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.  Workshop. SAAHE. Cape Town.  26-28 June 2014.

De Villiers MR, Van Heerden BB.  The intern landscape in South Africa – transition from student to doctor.  SA Association of Health Educationalists (SAAHE). Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014.

Kok N, Van Schalkwyk S, Conradie, H. Patient perspectives: community-based education on a rural platform. Ukwanda Rural Research Day. Worcester, Western Cape. 29-30 May 2014.

Kok N, Van Schalkwyk S, Conradie H, De Villiers M. Reflections on their year-long rural clinical training: junior doctors look back.  SAAHE. Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014.

Louw A, Murdoch-Eaton D, Bezuidenhout J. Developing learners – evaluating the impact of curricular changes designed to enhance generic skills experience. Academic Year Day. FMHS, Stellenbosch University. 14 August 2014.

Van Schalkwyk S, Blitz J. Supporting academics in their teaching role: faculty development in context. SAAHE. Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014.

Van Schalkwyk S, Blitz J, De Villiers M, Walsh S. A novel way of learning: staff and student perspectives on the use of lecture podcasts. HELTASA. Bloemfontein. 18-21 November 2014.

Van Schalkwyk S, Herman N. Portfolios as integral part of a curriculum: a framework for implementation. Pre-conference workshop. HELTASA. Bloemfontein. 18-21 November 2014.

Von Pressentin K, Blitz J, Smit E, Archer E. "I'm surrounded by students, what should I do next?" – Educational strategies for teaching in the clinical setting. Workshop, Rural Health Conference.  Worcester. 21-24 September 2014. 

 International Poster Presentation

Archer E, Patient-centred attitudes of undergraduate medical students:  Using the Patient Practitioner Orientation Scale in a South African context. AMEE. Milan, Italy. 30 Aug-3 Sept 2014.

Archer E, Van Heerden BB, Kidd M, Bezuidenhout J Making use of an existing tool to measure patient-centeredness in undergraduate medical students. AMEE. Milan, Italy. 30 Aug-3 Sept 2014.

Archer E, Bezuidenhout J, Kidd M, Van Heerden BB. Patient-centred attitudes of undergraduate medical students: Using the Patient Practitioner Orientation Scale in a South African context. AMEE.  Milan, Italy.  30 Aug-3 Sept 2014.

Bezuidenhout J, Van Schalkwyk S, De Villiers M. Students' Development of a Professional Identity in Rural Learning Spaces. The Network: TUFH XXXI Educational Meeting: 2014 Annual Conference. Fortaleza, Brazil. 19-23 November 2014.

Frattura L, Anttila H, Nurmi-Koikkalainen P, Snyman S, Bassi G, Simoncello A, Terreni S, Soranzio A, Green S. How to automatically expand ICF-EF in order to better describe care and living environment factors at country level: steps toward a multicenter project on the biopsychosocial determinants of outcomes. WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting and Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 11-17 October 2014.

Kok N, Van Schalkwyk S, Conradie H, De Villiers M. Reflections on a year-long rural clinical exposure: what do junior doctors have to say? AMEE. Milan, Italy. 30 Aug-3 Sept 2014.

Louw A, Murdoch-Eaton D, Bezuidenhout J. Developing learners – evaluating the impact of curricular changes designed to enhance generic skills experience. AMEE, Milan, Italy. 30 Aug-3 Sept 2014.

Saleeby P, Sykes C, Martinuzzi A, Hough J, Lee H, Leonardi M, LePlege A, Maribo T, Ten Napel H, Paltamaa J, Snyman S, Tomes G. Development of Criteria to Review ICF Literature. WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting and Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 11-17 October 2014. [Poster winner]

Saleeby P, Sykes C, Martinuzzi A, Snyman S, Kraus de Camargo O, Della Mea V, Paltamaa J, Van Gool C, Mostert W. Developing a mobile application for ICF - Literature review component. WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting and Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 11-17 October 2014. [Poster winner]

Snyman S, Kraus de Camargo O; Gong J. The mICF Collaborators Group – A Worldwide Initiative. WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting and Conference, Barcelona, Spain. 11-17 October 2014.

Snyman S; Kraus de Camargo O, Gong J. User requirements for a mobile ICF application. WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting and Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 11-17 October 2014. [Poster winner]

Snyman S, Sykes C, Kraus de Camargo O, Bhattal N, Della Mea V, Van Gool C, Madden R, Paltama J, Mostert W, Frattura L, et al Developing a mobile application to improve continuity of care and strengthen health systems: A call for international collaboration. Seventh All Together Better Conference. Pittsburgh, USA. 6-8 June 2014.

Tan C, Van Schalkwyk S, Bezuidenhout J, Cilliers F. Pictorial representation of assessments used at exit level of a medical training programme: What does this tell us? Ottawa Conference. Ottawa. 26-29 April 2014.

Van Heerden BB, Van Schalkwyk S, Conradie HH, Kok NJ, De Villiers MR.  Assessment performance of students completing a year-long rural clinical clerkship at the Ukwanda Rural Clinical School of Stellenbosch University, South Africa.  AMEE. Milan, Italy. 30 Aug-3 Sept 2014.

Van Schalkwyk S, Bezuidenhout J, Blitz J, Conradie H, Fish T, Kok N, Van Heerden BB, De Villiers M. Evaluating Community-based education (CBE) – The Ukwanda Rural Clinical School: a longitudinal evaluative study. The Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professions Education, Institute of Medicine. Washington DC, USA. 1-2 May 2014.

National Poster Presentations

Louw A, Murdoch-Eaton D, Bezuidenhout J. Developing learners – evaluating the impact of curricular changes designed to enhance generic skills experience. SAAHE, Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014.

Snyman S, Sykes C, Bhattal N, Madden R, Goliath C, Della Mea V, Van Gool C, Kraus de Camargo O, Paltama J, Frattura L, et al Mobile health application utilising functioning and environmental factors for patient-centred care: A call for international collaboration. SAAHE. Cape Town. 26-28 June 2014.

Snyman S, Sykes C, Bhattal N, Madden R, Goliath C, Della Mea V, Van Gool C, Kraus de Camargo O, Paltama J, Frattura L, et al Mobile health application utilising functioning and environmental factors for patient-centred care: A call for international collaboration. Rural Health Conference. Worcester. 21-24 September 2014.

Journal Articles

Burch, V. and Van Heerden, B., 2013. Are community service doctors equipped to address priority health needs in South Africa? SAMJ: South African Medical Journal, 103(12), pp.905-905.

Keiller, L. and Louw, A., 2013. Approaches toward learning in physiotherapy. South African Journal of Physiotherapy, 69(1), pp.36-40.

Limburgh, C.M., van Schalkwyk, G.I., Lee, K.H., Buys, C., De Kock, M., Horn, M., Bhyat, A. and van Schalkwyk, S.C., 2013. Cutting to the chase: Participation factors, behavioral effects, and cultural perspectives of participants in an adult circumcision campaign. AIDS care, 25(10), pp.1278-1283.

Rohwer, A., Young, T. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2013. Effective or just practical? An evaluation of an online postgraduate module on evidence-based medicine (EBM). BMC medical education, 13(1), p.77.

Schmutz, A.M.S., Gardner-Lubbe, S. and Archer, E., 2013. Clinical educators' self-reported personal and professional development after completing a short course in undergraduate clinical supervision at Stellenbosch University. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 5(1), pp.8-13.

Talib, Z.M., Baingana, R.K., Sagay, A.S., Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Mehtsun, S. and Kiguli-Malwadde, E., 2013. Investing in community-based education to improve the quality, quantity, and retention of physicians in three African countries. Education for health (Abingdon, England), 26(2), p.109.

Van Heerden, B., 2013. Effectively addressing the health needs of South Africa's population: The role of health professions education in the 21st century. SAMJ: South African Medical Journal, 103(1), pp.21-22.

Van Schalkwyk, S., Cilliers, F., Adendorff, H., Cattell, K. and Herman, N., 2013. Journeys of growth towards the professional learning of academics: understanding the role of educational development. International Journal for Academic Development, 18(2), pp.139-151.

De Villiers, A. and Archer, E., 2012. The development, implementation and evaluation of a short course in objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) skills. South African Family Practice, 54(1), pp.50-54.

Leibowitz, B., van Schalkwyk, S., Ruiters, J., Farmer, J. and Adendorff, H., 2012. “It's been a wonderful life": accounts of the interplay between structure and agency by “good" university teachers. Higher Education, 63(3), pp.353-365.

McGhie, V., Van der Walt, C. and Van Schalkwyk, S., 2012. Successful first-year learning: a social cognitive view of academic literacy. Journal for Language Teaching= Ijenali Yekufundzisa Lulwimi= Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig, 46(2), pp.27-41.

Van Schalkwyk, S., Bezuidenhout, J., Burch, V.C., Clarke, M., Conradie, H., Van Heerden, B. and De Villiers, M., 2012. Developing an educational research framework for evaluating rural training of health professionals: A case for innovation. Medical Teacher, 34(12), pp.1064-1069.

Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Farmer, J.L., Ruiters, J.M. and Young, G., 2012. Early assessment: part of a bigger plan? South African Journal of Higher Education, 26(1): 36-50.

Chapters in Books

Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Herman, N. and Muller, A., 2012. Graduate attributes for the public good: a case from a research-led university in South Africa. In Higher Education for the Public Good: Views from the South, Trentham Books in association with SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom, 2012: 87-100.

The opening of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics coincides with "Lichun," or " Start of Spring," the first of the 24 solar terms in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. Check out what Zhang Yimou, chief director of the Games' opening ceremony, says about the positive spirit of "Lichun."

Journal Articles

Archer, E., 2011. Improving undergraduate clinical supervision in a South African context. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 3(2), pp.6-8.

Bezuidenhout, J., Cilliers, F., Van Heusden, M., Wasserman, E. and Burch, V., 2011. Alienation and engagement in postgraduate training at a South African medical school. Medical teacher, 33(3), pp. e145-e153.

Botha, H., Van Schalkwyk, G.I., Bezuidenhout, J. and Van Schalkwyk, S.C., 2011. Discourse of final-year medical students during clinical case presentations. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 3(1), pp.3-6.

De Villiers, A. and Archer, E., 2011. The influence of confidence and experience on the competency of junior medical students in performing basic procedural skills. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 3(1), p.24.

Van Schalkwyk, S.C., Bezuidenhout, J., Botha, H. and Van Schalkwyk, G.I., 2011. Issues of discourse: Exploring mixed messages in the interests of collaboration. Journal Across the Disciplines, Special ed: Collaboration for Content and Language Integrated Learning.