Welcome to Stellenbosch University

​Department of ​Health Professions Education

​Faculty Development

Staff development or as commonly known as Faculty Development's mission is to provide a blueprint for strengthening the educational offering. Faculty Development refers to all activities that people pursue to improve their knowledge, skills and behaviours as teachers, in both individual and group settings. It does not always have to be formal interventions, but it can be informal individual or group activities. Training in education cannot be regarded as a once off matter and continuous development in it is important. Interventions over time have more positive outcomes than once-off events. This has implications for staff involved in training who need to be part of a group that meets and discusses matters of educational interest on a regular basis. Evidence of good teaching practice ought to be shared amongst the teachers, and all teaching and assessment activities ought to be based on good solid evidence-based practices.

The Department of Health Professions Educations therefore offer a few core programmes (see below) throughout the year but is also willing to offer tailor-made sessions to departments/divisions on demand. Individual informal support is also provided and an open invitation to staff to contact the DHPE in this regard, are given.  ​​

Short courses & Workshops​


For more information:

Mrs Lorraine Louw
+27 21 938 9047
Lorraine Louw.jpg

Dr Rhoda Meyer​
+27 2021 938 9495​