Welcome to Stellenbosch University

​Centre for Health Professions Education​

Student Support


The aim of the activities of Student Support are to address the complexities associated with an increasing number of medical students who come from diverse schooling and psychosocial backgrounds. An extended degree programme was introduced in 2006 to address some of these complexities. Internationally a consciousness of students requiring intensive support with adjustment to bridging the gap from high school to university and coping with various life skills dawned on academic communities. The faculty also saw this need extending beyond the first year of study through to the final year of study. Support, advice and feedback are provided via the programme committee to the general student body and academic staff. The main function of the support staff remains, however, to specifically identify students at high risk. Dr Alwyn Louw is commissioned to support all students in the first year of study, including MB,ChB I, Physiotherapy I, Dietetics I mainstream as well as the Extended Degree programme I and II students in these disciplines. Dr A. Bawoodien provides support to MB,ChB II to VI students.


For further information contact:

Dr. AJN Louw
Interprofessional Phase Chair & EDP Coordinator
Tel: 021 938 9389.
E-mail: ajnlouw@sun.ac.za


Dr A Bawoodien
MB,ChB II – MB,ChB VI students
Tel: 021 938 9642
Email: azizab@sun.ac.za