Welcome to Stellenbosch University

​Department of ​Health Professions Education​

Vision and Mission


Our vision is to be a leader in the field of health professions education globally with a view to facilitating the provision of equitable and responsive health care in South Africa and beyond


Our mission is to offer academic leadership towards establishing and sustaining and enabling environment within which meaningful learning and teaching can flourish and to influence the practice of learning and teaching drawing on existing scholarship while contributing to the body of knowledge through our own research; and informed by the principles of transformative learning; active citizenship and social accountability.​

The Departments reason for existence is:

To optimise the effectiveness, efficiency and feasibility of student learning within the context of community oriented education​

To promote the further establishment and expansion of health professions education as a scientific field of study

To provide expertise in health professions education at institutional, national and international level

Principles driving the DHPE:

Excellence in Scientific Practice

Culture of Diversity

Community Oriented Approach


Learning-Centred Culture