Division of Infectious Diseases
Our Team
The team within the Division of Infectious Diseases comprises experienced consultants with diverse fields of interest and expertise. Key members include:
Associate Prof Jantjie Taljaard (MBChB, MMed, DTM&H) is the Head of Division and past president of the Infectious Diseases Society of Southern Africa. He established South Africa's first Post Graduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases in collaboration with Doctors without Borders in 2021. jjt@sun.ac.za
Dr Susan Hugo (MBChB, Dip HIV Management, PGDipID) is Medical Officer and HIV/TB clinician in the Infectious Diseases out-patient clinic. She contributes actively to teaching and research within the division.cShe is one of the first graduates of the newly established PGDiplID and completed a short course on Palliative care and contributes to the palliative care programme in Tygerberg Hospital.
Dr Zahiera Ismail (MBChB, Dip HIV Management) is Medical Officer and HIV/TB clinician in the Infectious Diseases out-patient clinic. She contributes actively to teaching and research within the division. She completed a short course on Palliative care and contributes to the palliative care programme in Tygerberg Hospital.
Dr Tamsin Lovelock (MBChB, Dip HIV Management, FCP, MMed, Cert ID, MPhil ID, DTM&H) is a consultant Infectious Diseases specialist contributing to teaching, research and clinical service in the division. She is the Course Convener for the PGDipID.
Extraordinary Prof Jean B Nachega (MD, PhD, MPH, DTM&H, FRCP) is past Chair of the Centre for Infectious Diseases at Stellenbosch University and a world renowned and prolific researcher in the field of Infectious Diseases and Public Health. He also teaches and supervises research at Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Departments of Epidemiology and International Health and the University of Pittsburgh
Dr Arifa Parker (MBChB, FCP, MMed, Cert ID, PhD) is a consultant Infectious Diseases specialist contributing to teaching, research and clinical service in the division. She is the Head of the Unit for Infection Prevention and Control which is an independent unit within the Department of Medicine at Tygerberg Hospital and Stellenbosch University. https://www.westerncape.gov.za/your_gov/155
Dr Hans Prozesky (MBChB, MMed) is a consultant Infectious Diseases specialist contributing to teaching, research and clinical service in the division. He is a prolific researcher and Local Principal investigator of international research collaborations including HEPSANET https://www.hepsanet.org/ and IeDEA-SA https://www.iedea-sa.org/ .
Dr Marije van Schalkwyk (MBChB, HIV management) is Medical Officer and HIV/TB clinician in the Infectious Diseases out-patient clinic. She is currently completing her PhD studies on the Pharmacokinetic Features and Clinical Outcomes of Pregnant Women treated with First-Line Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs.
Additional ID Clinic Staff:
Sr Beulah Floris is the Nurse Manager of the Infectious Diseases out-patient clinic with extensive experience in HIV and TB care.
Ms Liesel de Villiers is our data clerk.
Ms Gloria Mhlola is our data clerk.